@Canucks de Vancouver

[Friedman & Marek] Nouvelles des Canucks de l’épisode d’aujourd’hui de 32 pensées

[https://www.sportsnet.ca/podcasts/32-thoughts/oel-ufa/](https://www.sportsnet.ca/podcasts/32-thoughts/oel-ufa/) À propos du rachat d’OEL : \- Friedman dit qu’il a été choqué, les Canucks ont surpris tout le monde, y compris OEL et son agent. On leur a dit que cela n’arriverait pas. \- Il pense qu’ils ont dû le faire parce que d’autres mouvements étaient soit trop chers, soit nécessaires pour déplacer des pièces qu’ils ne veulent pas déplacer. \- Il pense que c’est la meilleure chose qui puisse arriver au joueur et à l’équipe. Il ne pouvait pas continuer pendant 4 ans de plus. Ça n’allait pas marcher. Il pense que les Canucks et OEL en bénéficieront. \- Il pense qu’il y aura des équipes intéressées par OEL, il peut choisir un endroit pour ressusciter sa carrière pour pas cher. Marek mentionne Boston, OEL et les Bruins font l’objet de rumeurs depuis des années et OEL aime Boston. \- Friedman dit que quelqu’un l’a contacté en disant qu’ils pensaient que le rachat de l’OEL pourrait suggérer que les Canucks essaient de reproduire ce que les Panthers de la Floride ont fait en séries éliminatoires avec un « gardien chaud et des crampons », Demko étant clairement le gardien chaud. \- Cette même source lui a dit que les Canucks ne seraient pas la seule équipe à penser « entrer \[the playoffs\], et causer des maux de tête ». ​ Sur les prochains mouvements : \- Friedman ne pense pas qu’il y ait eu beaucoup de mouvement pour les Canucks, il ne voit toujours rien se produire dans l’immédiat. \- Mais il dit qu’ils ont ouvert un espace de plafond parce qu’il y a clairement quelque chose qu’ils pensent pouvoir faire. ​ Marek mentionne la division Pacifique et se demande comment les Canucks vont faire les séries éliminatoires contre Edmonton, Vegas, LA, Seattle et Calgary. Cela ne semble pas trop convaincu.




    Buckle your belts fellas, we’re in for a ride

  2. NerdPunch

    The more I’ve digested the OEL buyout, the more I realize it’s the right move. And I was someone who thought they should hold OEL at least 1 more season.

    They need to find a defensive, PK1 LHD who can play matchup minutes and that just isn’t going to be OEL in the next 4 years. Even if he bounced back, stylistically he wasn’t a great fit.

    And getting OEL off the roster was always step 1 in replacing him.

  3. J934t68Dfo7uLA

    Bubble Demko was the worst thing that could’ve happened to this team

  4. elrizzy

    > – Friedman says someone reached out to him saying they think the OEL buyout might suggest Canucks are trying to replicate what the Florida Panthers did in the playoffs having a “hot goalie and some studs”, Demko clearly being the hot goalie.

    > – That same source told him Canucks are not going to be the only team to think “get in [the playoffs], and cause some headaches”.

    I’d want a better source before i get super worried, but this is a small red flag. We’d still have to see the moves we make to get there, but we’ve been hurt so many times with this short term « the team doesn’t have to be *that good*, we can always rely on luck! » thinking.

  5. SpectreFire

    Ah yes, the « sneak into playoffs where aNYThiNG cAn hAPpeN » plan. The one that didn’t work the last 8 years Benning tried it, but will surely work the 9th year around!

    Yeah, let’s ignore that Florida still has a much better roster than us, and its a roster built for the playoffs.

    Way deeper forward group with Tkachuk, Barkov, Verhaeghe, Reinhart, Luostarinen, Bennet, Lundel, Duclair, and Staal.

    Defense is night and day, We got two good defenseman in Hughes and Hronek.

    They’ve got Ekblad, Forsling, Montour, Gudas, and Mahura.

  6. JerbearCuddles

    Management is making a habit of lying to fans and players. The worst part is players. It’s not a thing you want to get in the habit of doing. They also did Boudreau dirty. This management team is a bunch of snakes.

  7. KingofAnalysts

    We simultaneously don’t think this team can compete and also don’t want to give up on the core.

    Anyway, this is the way it’s going. It’s possible it works out. People thought Ottawa had an amazing offseason and Vegas was a team on decline. We’re continuing to go for it, and though that is not my first choice, it’s what’s happening. I hope it works out. Who knows. Lightning in a bottle and sudden team chemistry could appear.

  8. WingdingsLover

    >Friedman says someone reached out to him saying they think the OEL buyout might suggest Canucks are trying to replicate what the Florida Panthers did in the playoffs having a “hot goalie and some studs”, Demko clearly being the hot goalie

    Yes, this makes sense if you are ignoring the Panthers are a year removed from the Presidents Trophy while playing in a division with a lot of good teams while the Canucks ended up this year 11th in the West in playing in a not great division.

  9. IceCreamScuseMe

    At the least, it’s been entertaining.

  10. noimbuzzlightyear

    Oh, this team is going to cause some headaches alright.

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