@Ligue nationale de hockey

Tater thots

Tater thots



  1. Justlikearealboy

    That is a boat load of tots to the winner!!

  2. External_Sprinkles53

    Why aren’t the tater tots in the cup?

  3. Yung_Corneliois

    Teams should just sign Phil right before playoffs so they can party with him when they win the cup.

  4. mybadalternate

    Is…. Is this the orgy?

  5. CitronEither3674

    55 BURGERS, 55 FRIES, 55 TACOS, 55 PIES, 55 COKES, 100 TATER TOTS!!!

  6. prog_metal_douche

    I see Phil eyeing that ranch.

  7. BillMcCrearysStache

    Is that 2001 Bam Margera on the right

  8. imyourforte

    I take tater tots quite seriously. This is some grade A tater tot enjoyment.

  9. xizrtilhh

    « Napoleon gimme some of your tots » -Phil Kessel

  10. AffectionateStep5001

    Don’t mind me I just want some tater tots

    Those guys must have been eating good this past week, well deserved

  11. frankrocksjesus

    Would soooooo like to be there 🏆

  12. Aggressive_Light2207

    They must have fallen through the holes in the bottom.

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