@Sabres de Buffalo

[Chad DeDominicis] Adams a dit qu’ils avaient communiqué à l’agent de Jost qu’ils aimeraient le récupérer. Donc je suppose que cela répond à cette question. Faites reculer les attaquants. Améliorez la défense et, espérons-le, dans le but.

[Chad DeDominicis] Adams a dit qu’ils avaient communiqué à l’agent de Jost qu’ils aimeraient le récupérer. Donc je suppose que cela répond à cette question. Faites reculer les attaquants. Améliorez la défense et, espérons-le, dans le but.



  1. UncleOrton

    Hot take: I don’t care that they run back mostly the same forwards. A lot of them will be better than last year and they were already good.

    It seems the emphasis is on improving defense which is what it should be

  2. Drizzy_Drew

    Good, there’s no reason to handicap your depth when you have a useful forward who wants to be here as an RFA.

    Run it back with the forwards, maybe rotate Rousek in with Okposo to keep him fresh throughout the year. Kulich can start the year in Rochester, he’ll still probably get a majority of games later in the year as injuries start piling up.

  3. dynastyphan

    It seems like everybody is hellbent on getting one of Savoie or Kulich in the lineup, but I’m not so sure they would even be better than Jost right away anyways — especially defensively.

    Cozens cracked the lineup in his D+1 year, but really struggled for stretches and only put up 13 points in 41 games as a rookie.

    Quinn and Peterka didn’t make the lineup full time until their D+2 seasons. They already had 1.36 PPG and .97 PPG seasons in the AHL under their respective belts and put up solid, but not earth shattering rookie years.

    I know shiny new toy syndrome is real. Trust me, I would love for one of the kids to blow the doors off at camp and force their way onto this roster, but the best thing for the 2023 Sabres as well as the young guys long term might be another year of development.

    If Kulich goes on absolute tear to start the year in Rochester he surely will be the first call up. It sucks Savoie has to go back to the WHL, but that team will still have a ton of talent. Let him really dominate at the junior level and he should be ready for a top nine role with the big club next year. Injecting those two into this lineup when they are actually fully ready for the NHL has the potential to give us another highly talented kids line in the Peterka-Cozens-Quinn mold.

  4. Roguemutantbrain

    I was kind of surprised when THG said that our offseason plan should be to stand pat. I agree that a few tweaks regarding some depth and D, maybe goalie if we find the right opportunity are all we need to do.

  5. Impossibills

    I’m expecting Quinn to take a fairly large jump this year. I saw him make good players/goalies look absolutely silly at points.

    Also Peterka as well

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