@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Message d’appréciation de Mogilny

Étalon absolu et l’un de mes Maple Leafs préférés ! Devrait être dans le HHOF.



  1. elifreeze

    He was outside of his prime when he got here but he was still a pretty great player and was instrumental in the 2002 run. How he’s not in the HHOF by now is beyond me. Even if we accept that the committee doesn’t want to induct Russians due to the war in Ukraine, that doesn’t excuse the prior years Mogilny was eligible and got snubbed.

  2. riko77can

    Got to see him in person playing with the Leafs. Definitely a special player.

  3. TacoDirtyToMe

    Mats Sundin lead the Leafs in points 8 years in a row before Mogilny showed up in the 2002-03 season (he would’ve had 13 years in a row as point leader if not for Mogilny). Just goes to show you how good he was even as an older player for the Leafs. Even put him down as my favourite player on the back of those minor league hockey picture day trading cards as a 9-year-old lmao

  4. VanAgain

    Best interviewee of his day. Man, he could give reporters fits.

  5. Bluebird9293

    He was an absolute stud. That line of him, Robert’s, and Sundin was deadly

  6. nullCaput

    Dude was streaky as fuck, but when he came to play, boy shit could he put on a show!

  7. HenryGreatSageJunkie

    Contract year Mogilny was something to behold.

  8. Waverider889

    I wore 89 growing up playing hockey and lacrosse because of this beauty. Still got a leaf jersey with his name on it in my closet.

  9. chanigan

    Mogilny’s wrist shot > Matthews’ wrist shot

  10. Rare-Estimate-2341

    Shayne Corson here… Mogilny was an incredible player. His wife was great too.

  11. bcw_83

    It’s a joke to me that they won’t induct him because of his Nationality being Russian. He’s got zero to do with that and his contribution to hockey outweighs this whole conflict. I could see if he was out there trumpeting Russia propaganda but I don’t think that he is.

  12. DaltonFitz

    This guy was near the end of his career when he was here. To this day, he is *still* one of the most talented Leafs I have ever seen in my lifetime. He was incredible.

  13. kwaliti

    Hated him in jersey, fucking loved him as a bud

  14. Gruz420

    Anyone who wins the Lady Byng is an automatic HOF

  15. bleedingblueandwhit

    The original Alexander the Great! Well, not if you count the Macedonian emperor lol

  16. Bobbyoot47

    I loved his time here in Toronto. Those days overtime was four on four. The Leafs would throw Sundin and Mogilny out there together. It just wasn’t fair to the other team. You knew the game was probably going to end pretty quick in the Leafs favour. It was just so amazing to watch.

  17. something1355

    Top 3 favorite Leaf of all time

  18. Cohostar

    Love this guy. Especially when he was playing with Bure in Van.

  19. Bobbyoot47

    Found this on Twitter the other day. Its former Canucks defenceman Adrian Aucoin talking about Alex Mogilny and Mike Keenan having a moment.

    « (One time) we’re in the locker room and Keenan is all over him. We were like holy shit – normally he’s not on Mogilny like that.
    « Mogilny looks up, he’s like, ‘Mike, have you ever heard of how I defected, how they fucking threatened my family, how they wanted to kill everybody? You think you’re fucking scaring me?’

  20. Gagnon21

    To say he wasn’t a more impactful player than Vernon and Barrasso is just plain wrong.

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