@Flames de Calgary

Elliotte Friedman sur Twitter: Toffoli échangé au NJ

Elliotte Friedman sur Twitter: Toffoli échangé au NJ



  1. Skullkid1423

    Flames get Yegor Sharangovich and a third

  2. max825

    Fuck that’s underwhelming are you shitting me

  3. Does anybody know who tf we got for him. Not being an ass I just genuinely have never heard of that man

  4. rockylion

    So they guy coming our way can walk for free if he wants?

  5. super6646


    That 70 pt season was an outlier and he’s in his 30s. Not surprised tofolli got an “underwhelming” return tbh. Personally I’d take it, but I get it if ppl are upset.

  6. maz2305

    Anyone still hoping for the 3OA for Lindholm?

  7. PjDanglez

    Perspective: Toffoli scored 16 goals in his 25 YO season and 31 when he was 24. Yegor scored 13 this year and 24 the year before, and is also faster, better defensively, and is a centreman

    Edit: can play all three forward positions*


    I was hoping at least 2nd round draft what the hell is this . I just hope we can keep BIG Z so he has another Russian to get along with

  9. IMakeShips4Europeans

    So what’s Lindholm going for then? A fourth and Derek Ryan?

  10. swagsauce3

    I am 100% okay with this. Sharangovich is a solid forward with a decent potential to be middle 6 stud. Good move Conroy. Now let’s trade Hanafin for some futures and maybe backlund for a 2nd.

  11. NessGuy95

    Trading for a player surely means we still hope to contend next year, no? If that’s the case, Im going to wait out the next while to see how any other trades go down before I form an opinion on this. Though I do think Toffoli could have got at least a little more….

  12. teshmoney

    Devils fan here: Please take good care of Sharangovich!! We are very sad to see him go.

  13. Old-Donkey-3

    A little sad feel like we could’ve gotten more at a different time but hey if i could gm a nhl team i wouldn’t be working in the oil patch

  14. FinkBass420

    This is a rebuild you turkeys. Younger players and picks. And I guarantee most of you haven’t watched a Devils game so you have no idea what’s coming our way. Yegor is a fucking beauty

  15. landofschaff

    All you jabronis are insane. Most of you were screaming to trade taffoli all season. Calling him not a 1st liner. Then he goes on a 1 year scoring streak and ends up first on the team in goals, only because everyone else shit the bed. He’s going to be 32 soon. You wanna sign him to a 6-7 year deal? No you don’t. Do you think anyone else wants to? You think we are the only ones who see that this past year was probably his peak?

    Y’all been screaming to get younger. Well we just did. Y’all want cap space? We just did. And you still fucking cry because he’s not the second coming of fucking Jesus? Seriously stop fucking crying it’s a bad look

  16. monsterjerry

    Valuable depth down the middle.

  17. AvidAlienHuntress

    Devils fan coming in peace, govi is a good player and seems to be a great guy will surely miss him. Good luck with him!

  18. kanyeezy24

    Sharangovich is sick don’t know what you guys are talking about…

    Need i remind you Toffoli is old and didn’t want to re sign here sooo

  19. TheBau5Boss

    Don’t hate this. All of these guys are walking next year and it’ll be nice to actually have some cap space come next years trade deadline as long as we aren’t retaining tons. I’m 28 and have yet to see a complete dog shit year or amazing year, let’s bust out of this mediocrity and build a team. GFG

  20. gamblewizard98

    Honestly don’t hate this. I think sharangovich could be a quality 2c in his prime. Definitely would have preferred a 2023 first tho.

  21. weschester

    I like this trade. I think if we retained salary maybe that third becomes a second but you dont waste one of your retain slots on Toffoli though.

  22. lastlatvian

    Craig said he wouldn’t go in with x numbers of UFAs, looks like the games afoot.

  23. raspoutine049

    We couldn’t trade him on trade deadline to a desperate team for 1st rounder? So far not impressed the very first move made by Conroy. He was our best forward last year.

  24. TheGreasyyyCanuck

    Yegor becomes like an 87 overall in chel. We won the trade.

  25. jessemadnote

    I remember folks were pissed when the Flames got Elias Lindhom as a 24 year old who scored 0.5 pts per game. I’ll wait and see on this one.

  26. brokensword15

    I like this

    Toffoli is about to need a bigger contract and is not worth what this sub thought. This dude is young and a very solid defensive player, he was great on the devil’s PK

    We were never getting a late first for Toffoli guys lol

  27. avmp629

    Thank god for the biblical rain storm I can go drown myself

  28. It’s not a massive haul but I like the trade. We got a younger player that I assume we are going to be able to sign that has similar production to Toffoli’s previous years and he can play center. Not a bad trade, but not a mind blowing trade either.

  29. landofschaff

    Thank god none of you are in control of this team. You think our dirt is worth gold to other teams and it fucking shows

  30. TravisTouchdown_51

    Honestly I’m not sure what some of these pundits are expecting for Toffoli with 1 year remaining.

    Everyone knows Toffoli’s 73 point last season is an outlier at age 31, he’ll likely regress to his career averages next season. If you think he’s going to get a late first rounder or early second rounder you’re out to lunch.

    We get a young center who’s plays well with and without the puck (potential Backlund replacement), and a 3rd rounder which we didn’t have going into the draft.

    I’m not going to declare this a win for Conroy, but it’s not a fleecing as some would imply.

  31. A career FO% of 36.1 with a point every two games pace?

    I mean, even with his last season, I question what Toffoli was worth on the trade market, but this doesn’t look very good. Coupled with an 80th overall pick.

  32. Interesting-Money-24

    A younger guy that slots in on the roster without a NTC and a 3rd round pick (columbus). Helps us shed some salary too. This is good.

    Not sure we want him taking faceoffs though

  33. themakiexperiment

    Shango unchained is a menace. A real sniper and amazing defender. No doubt he will fill your top 6 and you will love him

  34. Rivendel45

    I learned today the flames fans are impatient. Rebuild is inevitable. This is good for us

  35. Melodic-Bug-9022

    Wow, I feel like many people just simply know nothing about the player and are assuming it is a bad deal.

    Yegor is a natural center with just 3 years in the league, and already has a 24 goal season under his belt. He can play a physical two-way game with speed and this season he took a step back but I think he has the tools to bounce back.

    I think instead of this deal being underwhelming, I think Sharangovich is being undervalued. I think his trade value is similar or better than that of Bennett when we moved him.

  36. Salticracker

    I’m pretty happy with this, depending on the contract we can sign. Sharangovich has been averaging around 40 point pace in his 3 seasons and is 25. That’s not to far off what Toffoli was. Admittedly he’s turned it up the last couple seasons, but that also would mean he’s going to want a big contract we can’t afford.

    The 3rd is a whatever. Nice to have another pick.

    Obviously would like to have kept Toff around, but this is a pretty decent return if we can sign Sharangovich to a reasonable deal.

  37. CaptinDerpI

    He was the toppest of titties

  38. Scamnam

    I suppose we can wait and see how this turns out. He didn’t want to be here anyways and we got younger

  39. ManRocket99

    Conny got fleeced. Should’ve just held him until next year’s trade deadline. Terrible return for our leading scorer

  40. TaxFun3528

    everyone..we got fleeced here. you hold him till the deadline and people pay a lot for a rental for this type of player to put them over the top. not a good first move for management and makes me nervous for what hanifins trade is gonna bring us.

  41. assassinfred

    Honestly given how the market has shaped up so far I think this is pretty decent. Sharangovich is younger, is only 1 year removed from a 24 goal season, while also being a center and better skater. The is no indication NJ is going to sign him long term, and if there was that certainty there we likely would have gotten more.

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