@Wild du Minnesota

Quelqu’un d’autre aime vraiment le choix Stramel?

C’est un grand centre qui peut gagner des mises en jeu avec un haut niveau de compétition. Ces gars-là ont tendance à très bien faire dans la LNH. Nous aurions pu prendre quelqu’un avec plus d’avantages offensifs, mais ceux-ci sont un coup dans le noir à la fin du premier tour. Edit: voici un bon article sur son avantage https://hockeywilderness.com/news-rumors/minnesota-wild/charlie-stramel-is-the-home-run-swing-fans-wanted-the-wild-to-draft -r29466/



  1. Baseball__And__Stuff

    He plays for the Badgers, I can’t endorse acquiring a guy with poor decision making.

  2. Andrewpg3

    I mean the wild filled a need in their prospect pool regardless of rank. We have plenty of small skilled centers (Khus, Rossi, Heidt etc) with no real Ek types in our system. They picked him at 21 for a reason and he was a top 10 talent last year until he played for a bad college team at a young age.

  3. Longcutskolvikes

    No, I still don’t like the pick. I’d be ecstatic to be proven wrong though.

  4. jordynbebus8

    No I don’t because I really feel there we better prospects available but again I’d love to be wrong.

  5. Minnewildsota

    I think (draft) people are limiting his Upside based upon a down year in a terrible UW Badgers team.

    He was really young playing for a bad team, in a transition year. Plus, he lost his father less than 2 years ago. Would you be on your A game in that situation? Doubtful.

    I think he has a higher ceiling than most think/expect.

  6. trillwhitepeople

    I’m thoroughly best player available rounds 1-3 and swing for the guys who’s upside is mainly size or untapped potential in later rounds, but time will tell.

    I think the biggest hope that this kid translates into what he was once projected to be is the coaching change in college as well as the coaching change in Iowa. I had given up on Army to develop offensive skillsets.

  7. Particular_Ad8118

    Another bottom 6 center is exactly what we needed.

  8. coleym117

    A lot of people need to remember, we took Ek over Boeser and Boldy over Caufield. Everything will be alright 🤪

  9. Goose312

    I don’t really like it, but I’m not terribly upset about it. Based on his pre-season value he would have been a total steal. One bad season in a bad program isn’t nothing. But it’s not also the only thing that matters. With a new coach we could see a big rebound year from him so I’ll wait to pass judgement and trust in Brackett.

    Plus I’m not really upset with who they missed out on. If Moore was still on the board and they passed on him I’d be pissed, but Perreault and Ritchie and whoever else were all pretty meh prospects as well to me.

  10. JF_Gus

    People were comparing him to Greenway as a bust, but lets see how that ‘compete level’ works out first. Never saw that in Greendog.

  11. Paladad

    He’s growing on me. I’m more upset that we didn’t somehow get Shaugabay later on.

  12. Foxhockey

    Do you have the stats for his Faceoff wins. I could only check the NCAA website and he was not in the top 50 players in faceoff wins.

  13. AeirsWolf74

    I feel like he could kind of be a Jamie benn type guy, but a center. Big, physical, wins faceoffs, and hopefully able to dish out some passes to kaprizov

  14. DirtzMaGertz

    I personally do. I’ve brought his name up a few times on threads on this sub about potential picks. I wasn’t expecting that the Wild would like him as much as I did, but I’m happy they did. I think there is more upside to his game than people are suggesting. I also think this kid is built to be a player that can make an impact in the playoffs if he develops.

  15. wildskater96

    He feels like a Charlie Coyle 2.0

  16. war_m0nger69

    The people who picked him are a lot smarter about the draft than me :). Let’s see how it plays out.

  17. zxtghf

    Obviously we won’t know for some time how he develops but I don’t understand the outrage from some fans. This is hardly the reach that Johansson was in 2018. I remember fans being furious we went off the consensus board in 2003 to take a lanky kid named Brent Burns in the first round. Not saying he’s the next coming but if he pans out he would bring a lot to the table that all NHL teams covet.

  18. Riromug

    Idk man. Either we like how Brackett drafts or we don’t. I haven’t had a single complaint about how he’s drafted before. I think Brackett is more likely to find something in this kid than bust.

  19. Minnesota_Husker

    I wasn’t so sure till I talked to a friend of the family and learned his dad died a year and a half ago… that with the transition to college hockey and I hope the kid will improve when he settles in to a comfort zone.

  20. 43moon

    The “professional” GMs here were predictably crying yesterday. The kid likely hasn’t even had a chance to lace up his skates up since then, but he’s a bust already and the team wasted a pick on him. The same “professional” GMs that hate each and every move that the team makes, but then backpedal and have loved it since day one when it pans out.

  21. Final_Ad_3596

    Yes I absolutely love this pick. It also clearly shows the Wild are doing their own homework on players not just reading lists ( like I do) He addresses multiple needs in the Wild prospect pool. He’s tough, big and a center. I’m also a big fan of value contracts after ELC years. He projects great with that also. For all of us that were kinda shocked when his name was called I’m starting to think other teams drafting right after us were not.

  22. I like that they honed in on centers with the early picks, and tall ones at that. I was of the opinion they should go for the best center available. That said, I am surprised by this pick and am skeptical it works out.

  23. CPT_Splat

    I am. We need size. To a certain degree the NHL draft after the first 10iah can really be a crapshoot. I mean, look where KK came in. Anyway, I think he has plenty of upside and was worth the pick. At the same time, I wouldn’t be shocked if we get more value from later picks!

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