@Maple Leafs de Toronto





  1. sluck131

    « Alright Reeves gets another 50K »

  2. CMDRShepardN7

    He spent the whole week filing paperwork, proof-reading, and preparing his speech for the overpaying of Ryan Reaves.

  3. Rowdy_Roddy96

    Duchene just went to the Stars for 3Mil I’m almost entirely convinced that Treliving does nothing other than sign Reaves today…

  4. SpinningDickTwist

    Been 2.5 hrs you nutters

  5. TripFisk666

    Once he’s done his shift at the BP on front st.

    Those perogie pizzas don’t serve themselves.

  6. MOshow1967

    This team sucks ass man, I for see a rebuild coming shortly. Says a lot about the organization that O’Reilly fucked off for cheap, sounds like Bunting isnt signing a big ticket. These guys prioritized 37 year old Ryan Reaves lmao. Insane.

  7. Stevet159

    He probably is planning on waiting until Matthew’s and Nylander are signed and hoping there are good players still looking for a role

  8. Kinglokner16

    What Ryan Reeves wasn’t enough for you?

    I mean who do you think we are the Hurricanes

  9. Reggae4Triceratops

    To be fair, other than Reaves and Kampf, how much can he do until Matthews and Nylander are figured out?

    Prediction: enormous overpay and low term for Matthews to get it done, and Nylander traded for pennies. Just hope I can get a cool Nylander jersey.

  10. NiteOwlI

    This honestly might be the end of this Leafs window as we know it.

    If he acquires Bertuzzi we’ll be fine. But one (1) Ryan Reaves is simply not enough.

  11. M0un05ki10

    Fuck dishing out ridiculous FA contracts.
    But fuck why couldn’t we have O’Rielly or Duchene at those amounts?
    Fuck Ryan Reaves.
    And fuck running this thing back with the same core once again.
    Also probably fuck blowing it up too.
    I hate everything.

  12. MeetingInMontauk

    We got rid of Dubas for this? My god what a shit show. Guess we’re on our way back to the dark days in Leafs land

  13. A-Random-Leafs-Fan

    I’m legit going to wait and see. I want to be upset like a majority of this sub. But honestly I want to give our new GM some time before I join you all in the all caps rage !!

  14. another_plebeian

    Or maybe don’t

    Jim: Hey, Ryan, would you like 3 ye…

    Reaves: yes

    Jim: at 1…

    Reaves: YES

    Jim: (I think we’ve got the upper hand here..) $1.35m


  15. DougFordsGamblingAds

    Let’s see what the actual line up looks like.

    A Domi/Bertuzzi in the top 6 actually solves a lot of issues that ROR doesn’t. That plus a real top 4 D and I’ll be happy.

  16. PhilMcCraken2001

    Uhhh he did do something. He signed the grittiest grinder in the league today! We already have the parade getting started!

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