@Red Wings de Détroit

Une idée de pourquoi j’étais si bouleversé il y a 9 ans ?

N’hésitez pas à retirer à la discrétion du mod s’il s’agit d’un faible effort, mais c’est hors saison.



  1. MoldyMerkin

    It was the beginning of the end.

  2. Gsebastian12

    Pavel Datsyuk traded to the Coyotes?

  3. Ph1llyth3gr8

    Best I can find is on this date in 2014 we re-signed Kyle Quincey to a 2-year, 8.5mm deal. So that’s probably it.

    Coupled with no signings on July 1 and you were probably mad like most of us.

  4. redlion1904

    Maybe Niskanen signed elsewhere?

  5. FlyingmonkeyV1

    Missed on Parise and Suter?

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