@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Franchise de pauvreté

https://twitter.com/CBCNews/status/1676582528847687683?t=MWBWzo5BmCo85QOrmbz7qw&s=19 Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment – propriétaire des Maple Leafs de Toronto et des Raptors de Toronto, entre autres franchises sportives professionnelles – a été nommé l’une des plus grandes propriétés de Toronto débiteurs fiscaux, avec une facture impayée d’environ 1,18 million de dollars, remontant à l’année d’imposition 2019.



  1. JillieBeanIsUrLover

    Huh that’s weird, a topic like this would be PERFECT for Strang to report on.

  2. Numark105

    I get there’s more to this than just unpaid bills, but I find it interesting that NOW they read the whole article instead of just the headline.

  3. Via590

    I love shitting on the leafs as much as anyone but I’d prefer we take the higher road in the case of stuff like this. We don’t need to stoop down to their level.

  4. FatherFenix

    Relocate to Quebec! Booo! Poverty franchise! Booo! Can’t even pay their bills! Booo!

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