@Sabres de Buffalo

TIL que Wayne Gretzky a grandi en tant que fan des Sabres

Une information plutôt sympa à mon avis



  1. _Travelling_Dude

    Now THAT is real cool.

  2. Son_Of_The_Empire

    I too wish Gretzky would have been in a Sabres jersey

  3. atlgeo

    He’s serious. You don’t know some of those names unless you were a real fan in that era. And he’s right. Gil Perrauelt would survey the ice from behind his own goal and take it either end to end or stop at their blue line. On an unrelated note Gretzky and I have the exact same birthday. That’s *all*we have in common.

  4. DennisSystemofADown

    Also ironic about the finesse part considering the 91-92 year and that Sabres era in general.

  5. deltreet

    I heard the draft was fixed for him too. /s

  6. Rated_PG-Squirteen

    « He was way better than I was. »

    This is how you know it’s a real Gretzky quote.


  7. gakash

    Wow, I didn’t know that, but that’s awesome.

  8. StartButtonPress

    When I lived in Michigan, I drove through Brantford on the way to Buffalo many times. Stopped at the Timmy’s on Wayne Gretzky Boulevard

  9. Gordsturner

    If you go to hockey hall of fame, they have the scoresheet where Gretzky broke the single season goal record. It was against the Sabres, and Perreault had a hat trick !

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