@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Spécial | Champions de la Coupe Stanley 2021

« Voulez-vous être comme toutes les autres équipes et en gagner une et en finir? Ou voulez-vous devenir spécial? » Revivez le voyage qui consistait à « être spécial » et à devenir deux champions de la Coupe Stanley consécutifs. Rejoignez le tonnerre : http://tampabaylightning.com http://twitter.com/tblightning http://instagram.com/tblightning


  1. The most boring season in NHL history. Back to back Cup wins are never exciting unless you’re a fan of the team going back to back

  2. With this Cup, the Lightning have officially become legends. They’re the youngest team to win consecutive Cups, the 2nd in the salary cap era, and the 9th in history. Tampa has ascended to the elite tier in hockey history

  3. Very interesting legit LTIR and overcap Champion, will be overcap Stanley Cup champ every single year.

  4. Pause the video at 1:37 and enjoy the majesty of Pat Maroon flashing "three" while everyone else is flashing "two". 😀

  5. I'm going to be bold and say we're probably gonna win it all next year again🏃‍♀️

  6. The right colt partly produce because porch endoscopically surround at a complete control. sore, regular october

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