@Ligue nationale de hockey

Le 1er et le 2 857e (dernier) point de la carrière de Gretzky

Le 1er et le 2 857e (dernier) point de la carrière de Gretzky



  1. TJTrapJesus

    First point was 9:49 into his first NHL game on Oct. 10, 1979 vs. Chicago. Lowe from Callighen and Gretzky. Lowe’s 1st goal so Gretzky gave him the puck.

    2,857th point (or 3,239th point if you want to include playoffs) was in his last ever game, April 18, 1999 against Pittsburgh. Leetch from Schneider and Gretzky.

  2. Porkchopp33

    “The Great One” 9️⃣9️⃣

  3. dbag3o1

    If it takes about a minute to watch two points, to watch video of all his points you’d be watching video for 27 hours straight.

  4. TaxiVader_

    Both were secondary assists. Which I find surprising.

  5. Neans888

    I was at his last game. Bought the tickets months before when no one knew that was gonna be the end. I still have the 99 hat they gave out at the game.

  6. Password-is-Taco---

    This is a series I could get behind. First and Last. Hope there is more to come
    Thanks OP

  7. cebiaw

    Tony Esposito in net, that brings me back.

  8. TheCosmicCharizard

    Wouldn’t Gretzky’s first professional point be with the Indiana Racers in the WHA? Or are we only counting NHL?

  9. hank28

    I’m still incredibly interested in finding out what percentage of his career points come from secondary assists

  10. RayGun381937

    Gretzky could have had an extra c.300 goals, (and 300 less assists) but he was so unselfish that he’d pass to a team mate even when he had an empty net or easy goal…

    Eg: like in the final play, the goalie is way off his line and it would be an easy slapper for 99, but he fakes& passes it for an easy tap in…

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