@Devils du New Jersey

Nouveau vendeur de nourriture annoncé pour la saison prochaine au Rock (Levy Restaurants)

Nouveau vendeur de nourriture annoncé pour la saison prochaine au Rock (Levy Restaurants)



  1. kyrill91

    Thank fucking Christ. I don’t know anything about Levy Restaurants, but anything’s gotta be better than what we’ve had. The quality of food at the Rock took a steep nosedive last season.

  2. FlyTheW1988

    Eagerly awaiting the new map to see where things shake out!

  3. septimus29

    Will they bring back the communal condiment dispensers? Prudential Center food is pretty meh which is why I am head over heels for American Whiskey. Their margarita pizza is amazing

  4. Oakley_Dokely92623

    Can they strike a deal with Ritas

  5. RubberBiscuitz

    I’m a simple man. I just wanted honey mustard next to the chicken tenders. That’s all.

  6. HopelessEsq

    Oh thank god. I don’t drink alcohol and the non-alcoholic selection was unbearable. I usually like to drink like a smoothie or fresh juice while watching games. The choice at the rock was basically between cola, water, Lipton Iced Tea or Gatorade and as someone who also doesn’t drink caffeine these are terrible options. Hopefully we get some variety in beverages as well.

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