@Sabres de Buffalo

[JFresh] Jeter un autre regard sur la courbe d’âge à force égale pour les attaquants en ce qui concerne les composants WAR

[JFresh] Jeter un autre regard sur la courbe d’âge à force égale pour les attaquants en ce qui concerne les composants WAR



  1. seeldoger47

    age curves courtesy of u/jfresh1999

    >* age curve for [elite forwards](https://twitter.com/JFreshHockey/status/1681811298185519105) (as defined by at least 5 seasons above the 90th percentile in EVO between 07-08 and 22-23)
    * [age curve for elite finishers](https://twitter.com/JFreshHockey/status/1681812938322001920)
    * [age curve based on TOI](https://twitter.com/JFreshHockey/status/1682088394912833545)
    * [age curve based on TOI for top line players](https://twitter.com/JFreshHockey/status/1682095176955600905)
    * [age curves using AllThreeZone’s manually tracked shot attempt and scoring chance data](https://twitter.com/JFreshHockey/status/1682126201844822016)
    * [age curves using AllThreeZones’ manually tracked shot assist and high-danger pass data:](https://twitter.com/JFreshHockey/status/1682126673406296064)
    * [age curves using AllThreeZones’ manually tracked zone entry, possession entry, and possession entry % data:

    also, [here are other examples of age curves](https://imgur.com/a/1BYq1UR) (for defenseman and forwards) that I’ve been able to find.

  2. rejecttheHo

    Cool chart. An important thing to note, if you’re playing in the NHL before you’re like 22 you are generally a very good player (think 1st round picks). That might describe why 20 year olds look better than 26 year olds according to this chart, but great players are going to generally be much better when they are 26 than 21

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