@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Analyse instantanée – Changements apportés aux entraîneurs des Maple Leafs de Toronto et mise à jour du contrat Samsonov

Steve Dangle récapitule et analyse les récentes embauches d’entraîneurs par les Maple Leafs de Toronto. Que pourraient ajouter Boucher et Van Ryn à l’équipe en tant que nouveaux entraîneurs adjoints? Quels seront leurs rôles ? Enfin, que diable se passe-t-il avec le contrat d’Ilya Samsonov ? COMMANDITAIRE : https://sportsinteraction.com/sdpn SDPN : https://www.sdpn.ca/ SDPN DISCORD : https://discord.com/invite/MtTmw9rrz7 LIVRE : https://bit.ly/2I9hmWP LIVRE AUDIO : https://bit.ly/2GIgYya EASTER SEALS : https://bit.ly/3vcBVug Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca /sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe commerciale et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. I got a question, seeing how the leafs are 8 mill over cap and huge goalkeeper issues and Mathews, Nylander, and Marner all want raises and a president that won't move from core four. So question is " who the fuck really cares about winning something

  2. I’ve gone back and forth and back again and I think Nylander needs to stay even if we don’t have a new co tract heading into the season for him. A top nine with him, matthews, marner, Tavares, bertuzzi, Domi, knies, jarnkrok and Kampf is very formidable. Losing Willie dilutes that greatly. Leafs still need to shed salary though, and I would expect names like McCabe, lafferty, timmins and possibly jarnkrok, brodie and liljgren are all guys who (if Willie stays) some combo of would need to be dealt to be cap compliant (assuming Murray and obvious muzzin are on LTIR)

  3. Felt Guy Boucher did a great job in Ottawa. Believe if given the head coaching chance in Toronto he would do well there too.

  4. Keefe would have picked Boucher as his assistant coach, so im not too sure he would be choosing his own replacement. I'm not too sure I'd want Boucher as the head coach but I guess it would depend on the options available. Time will tell. Unless the Leafs and Sammy strike a deal it's a 1 yr deal and then he's a UFA.

  5. Guy Boucher, the most overrated coach ever. Great during year 1, meh during year 2 and awful during year 3 in which he gets fired. Look it up.

  6. i am just an NHL fan… i have no specific team…. but i would love to see Toronto win the cup, just for Steve…. and his reaction video would be entertaining.

  7. Sammy is definitely worth 4.5. Starting goalie in Toronto, expecting a cup or bust, and with AHL backups he will have a 65+ game season. For what is being asked of him that's fair payment. Freddy is an "aged veteran" now in the net and is still making more money despite a 20 game injury riddled season. Samsonov is entering his prime years and performed well, so has nylander. Both deserve to be paid what they're worth and if the leafs can't afford it then get some assets in return before you give them up for free.

  8. Me as a Habs fan just wanted to let you know I watch these videos more because you told us you are making it your full time job. Hope the best man

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  10. Leafs gonna play the 1-3-1 trap. Reference the Lightning game vs the Flyers…

  11. steve u spend so much of this video mumbling off axis from the mic its so hard to hear u
    love the content but pls an extra 30 minutes volume levelling would not kill us

  12. Leafs offer to Samsonov was insulting. They guy is your starting goalie, you know it, he knows it. And you offer him $2.4 mil? Slap in the testicles.

  13. I would love to see the play time that people actually listen to his gambling ads.
    I think it’s a complete sell out. Should advertise for not such a life destroying product

  14. Is he going to change the exposed power play style….keep droping the puck back to waste time…D mans never shoot…its so predictable 🙄

  15. Good luck with Van Ryn. Been calling for his firing for 2 years in St. Louis he's a bad bad coach. No shot block

  16. Its hard to argue samsanov shoukd get a dime less then murray , because the Leafs are paying murray a lot more then hes asking .

  17. We Blues fan blamed Van Ryan for 95% of our defensive plight since the covid season onward. I wish you guys luck with it, clearly his message either wore thin here or the game changed since 2019 was so solid… or just the personnel wasn't right.

  18. You know who else was called "emotionally intelligent"? Justin Trudeau. Great choice….

  19. Guy Boucher is a great hire. He won’t whine like a little girl about the Refs, cough,cough….Keefe/Tavares. GB, He motivates players & demands accountability. That has been sorely lacking in Toronto.

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