@Hurricanes de la Caroline

TDA est de retour

https://twitter.com/canes/status/1683639027256250370?s=46&t=-wliZ2wVtLsevVmCIkqpjw « RALEIGH, Caroline du Nord. – Don Waddell, président et directeur général des Hurricanes de la Caroline de la Ligue nationale de hockey, a annoncé aujourd’hui que l’équipe a signé avec le défenseur Tony DeAngelo un contrat d’un an d’une valeur de 1,675 million de dollars.



  1. 1174239

    happy to have him back


    but i feel he can help us win games and he seemed well-liked enough by the boys while he was here last time. plus actually said substantive shit in interviews other than « get pucks on net »

  2. XJudgeBootyX

    Wow huge overpay. Disappointing, if this is our EK consolation price this sucks.

    He doesn’t fill any needs and will be a liability.

    Also got to deal with the cringe TDA fans now.

  3. adsheppa

    I don’t quite get it. He floundered (where it counted) in the playoffs for us, and let other teams get under his skin. Our powerplay still sucked with him on it then, he’s not a very good defensive defenseman and I feel like his “part” of the team was taken over by Burns. With Coghlan also signed, one of Pesce or Skjei must be out the door, since I doubt you have 2 extra NHL contracts as backup defenseman. It’s a cheap contract, but I still don’t get it.

  4. dboy120

    Other teams are about to really start hating us, I’m not mad at it

  5. The_Reddit_Browser

    So we have Tony, Lemieux and Bunting to finally match some of the post whistle shit that we have been dealing with.

    If Rod is true to his word about being fed up with having his guys turn the other cheek and not get calls, we are gonna get some interesting hockey this year.

    True Bunch Of Jerks

  6. denvercaniac

    Apathetic. He’s not great, but he did decently for us before. Didn’t like the playoff meltdown of course, but it’s just a year. Who knows, maybe he’s moved during the trade deadline.

    We’ve done worse moves. *glares at the Semin Incident*

  7. userid004

    Perception outside your team is that he’s a dick? That’s also a Trump supporter? That being said he’s probably a sold 3d on a good team in the east and a great addition as 5-6 especially on that deal.

  8. The_Crypto_Caniac

    Lemieux, Bunting and now TDA…heel turn confirmed. We’re now the bad guys and I love it. And we got guys like Orlov that can throw some big hits too just like Svechnikov. Its gonna be a fun season.

  9. CandidateClean3354

    They have moved on from trying to get EK?

  10. notyomamasusername

    Meh, he’s not one of my favorites, but the price is right and he really seems to like the team.

    Hopefully Rod can keep him in check.

  11. Diarrhea_Sandwich

    Great contract, this one’s gonna be controversial of course but good signing on paper.

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