@Ligue nationale de hockey

Lequel des core 4 de Kyle Dubas est le plus susceptible de gagner une coupe ?

Lequel des core 4 de Kyle Dubas est le plus susceptible de gagner une coupe ?



  1. Gdragon521

    I honestly don’t see the Pittsburgh core 3 winning another cup, with or without Karlsson.

  2. Oiler_boiler

    Me personally I think Karlsson plays too offensively for the penguins

  3. No-Material-23

    Leafs will never, never win a cup.

    Pens aren’t winning unless they get a 3rd line that can produce, and then it’s still highly unlikely.

  4. nicksj2023

    As a leafs fan it’s obviously 100% going to be pens

  5. bongocopter

    Whichever one has a goalie who can get hot at the right time and sustain it for four rounds.

  6. BM19921992

    Lol. Toronto won’t ever win with that core. They will make the playoffs yes. But never win. That core is a joke.

  7. -TheWickedEnd-

    Leafs. They’ll all be on different teams but they’ll win their cups… :’(

  8. EquivalentAppeal9561

    The group with 3 three time Stanley Cup champions.

  9. StockWillingness2748

    As a leaf fan. Neither. It sucks but I don’t see it.

  10. Optimal-Job-2659

    willy obvi when he inevitably signs with vegas at some point

  11. Ta-veren-

    I love the leafs, love them.

    But for some reason I’m liking pits this year if they can get their goalie situation worked out or Jarry has an amazing year I can see then getting to the finals.

  12. PremierVik

    Neither. Pens don’t have what much left in the tank. Toronto its only a matter of time before 1 or 2 from the core 4 move on to a new team.

  13. DontToewsM3Bro

    Pens have a better chance but both won’t win

    Leafs core is to selfish its all about me , me , me. They never sacrificed for the good of the team

    I say that as leafs fan

  14. 136AngryBees

    Pens in 24-25 when they add Matthews

  15. Fastsmitty47

    The Pens have the experience, but I still see the Leafs wirh the higher odds

  16. BeefersOtherland

    Counterpoint: Karlsson gets injured by December. Dubas is a scrub.

  17. Physical-Asparagus48

    Dubas brought in 2 out of these 8 guys…neither of these are Dubas’ cores

  18. highporkroller

    Does he have another core 4 to choose from?

  19. xxshadowraidxx

    Well one team is Canadian while the other is American so pretty obvious which one has a better chance

  20. Suitable-Pea-8226

    Answer is pretty obvious.

    If the Leafs don’t do it this year, I don’t think that core ever will. The team is as good as it’s gonna get without swapping out a key player or two.

    This Pens core have won 3 cups. They have nothing to prove. If they won another it would feel like the Patriots winning that last Super bowl with Brady. Just like “fuck man, again? I thought he was too old for this!”

  21. MintLeafCrunch

    Opening odds for 2024 Stanley Cup have Leafs at +1200, Penguins at +3500. So current consensus is Leafs more likely. Penguins odds I assume are pre-Karlsson. Still, +1200 is pretty long odds, most likely scenario is neither win. Unfortunately.

  22. za_sa_ph

    Now these guys are the “core 4” cringeworthy

  23. Disrespectfultroll01

    Dubas didn’t build the penguins tho, if they were to win, could we really give him that much credit ?

  24. rlxdengineer

    Toronto wins it before pitts. But pits will have a good time not Winning it lol

  25. kstacey

    Kyle Dubas had nothing to do with anything in Pittsburgh

  26. Hiph0p0p0tamusttv

    Pens gunna dominate 3 on 3 OT during the 2010s


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