@Ligue nationale de hockey

S’agirait-il de suspensions si ce n’était pas Mcdavid ?

S’agirait-il de suspensions si ce n’était pas Mcdavid ?



  1. mykingsburner18

    I think the Anderson one might have been, but only if there was a history of suspensions. It should have been a game misconduct though. They didn’t even call it a major so it wasn’t reviewable.

    I’m a Kings fan, no love lost for McDavid, but I think that none of these quite rise to suspension-worthy. He can be a dirty little shit sometimes though.

  2. Donutsaremydownfall

    Only the third one imo

  3. Ginger-Beefcake

    Kotkienemi was such blanton bs. Leddy too. Both should’ve been susoendable, but the other ones should’ve been 5 minute Majors imo

  4. ExpertRedditUserHere

    just kind of throws an elbow. lol

  5. beevbo

    With Parros in charge you’re better off blindly throwing a dart at a dart board.

  6. CoffeeWithMoreBleach

    Oil is the dirtiest team in the league

  7. _Connor

    Those first two hits happen 12-15 times a game.

    If those were suspensions, no teams would have defencemen to play on any given night.

  8. The_Shitlipz

    Probably. Its common knowledge that refs give preferential treatment to the games top players. It’s actually nice to see him held to account if you ask me. Granted some of these are borderline calls.

  9. Kadaththeninja_

    u/no-conspiracyTheory with the quality shit posting today

    Edit : also a 39 day old account with over 130 k karma…..good bot

  10. toxicvegeta08

    As good of a stick handler as mcdavid is physicality can beat him.

  11. ineedhelpwithcalcu

    Oh boy I’m never gonna get tired of these shitty compilations of (insert player here) making “dirty” plays.

  12. thatguy11

    Maybe the 3rd agreed… MEBE…

    The first two shouldn’t be for anyone. They are both good instances of a player not defending themselves for a split second at the wrong moment. None of those are huge momentum checks.

  13. LogieThePerogie

    I think the last two would be

  14. jjman72

    Mcdavid spends all his time watching out for the hit. Doesn’t actually know *how* to hit.

  15. Depends what the wheel spins that day really. Could be get out of jail free card, could be fine the player, could be a 10 game suspension, could be buy parrors a case of beer and he takes your wife out for a date. Who knows

  16. Hiddenbehindawall

    That last one was just dirty.

  17. Falcon3492

    Several of them should have resulted in a suspension.

  18. SnooHesitations1965

    Refs let him take a beating nightly…he should be allowed to give it back.

  19. Grand-Imagination925

    I would loved see McGod play hockey the way it used be playing . He would be crying 😭 just like Gretzky did .

  20. JimboD84

    Notice no one went after him after any of these hits? 🤦🏼‍♂️

  21. Master-File-9866

    You have to remember mcdavid is so fast and shifty. That he draws alot of penalties, however the oilers historical powerplay leaves the refs not calling alot of the stuff he goes against.

    To sumerize, you are stating mcdavid gets away with stuff becuase who he is. And I would counter that he does not get enough calls

  22. YugeFrigginGoy

    He needs to be laid out proper just once. I say this as a fan who goes to watch Oilers games and watches 75% of them on tv. Stick to skill. Don’t try dirty sneaky stuff, or eventually he’s gonna get dogpiled and someone’s breaking an orbital bone. Take a big hit and he’ll quit trying to be a pest

  23. ScottyOnWheels

    He and Stamkos get a free pass somehow.


    Kings fans in the comments salty af.

  25. InternationalBrick76

    The cuck gets a lot of special treatment but not all of these are suspension worthy. Maybe 1 or 2 of them.

  26. dhas19

    The third one is the only one that reaaaaally bothered me, and I’m pretty sure he got a suspension for it, no?

  27. 2shack

    The only I’d maybe suspend for is the hit on Leddy. Everything else is fine at a minor as far as I’m concerned.

  28. Dadittude182

    The second boarding call would have been if the other player had been injured. Kinda surprised the elbow to the head on Leddy wasn’t a suspension. Not sure if it’s because he’s Connor McDavid or if it’s because he ISN’T Tom Wilson. Either way, it was dirty as hell and should have been a suspension – especially when the league has made examples out of guys like Wilson for doing the exact same type of play.

    SIDE NOTE: The Florida Panthers literally bullied their way to the finals this season with some extremely nasty play that should have been at least a review for possible suspension, but nothing came from it. So…? As long as the viewers are tuning in, it’s all good?

    EDIT: Also, as an East Coaster who doesn’t get to see McDavid much, this surprises me that he’s this much of a cheap shot. However, I do remember seeing Gretzky tomahawk chop a guy with his stick before and skate away with no call, so…🤷‍♂️

  29. Stoudamirefor3

    It’s crazy that he can make those kinds of hits from inside Cale Makar’s pocket. He really must be the best player in the league.
    All cheap shots. Should be suspended for every one of them. I’m surprised nobody rearranged his teeth after them.

  30. DeadMediaRecordings

    Not all, but some of them, yeah.

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