@Ligue nationale de hockey

Le seul en costume

Le seul en costume



  1. boriswong

    The classiest guy in the room generally is.

  2. NotFuryRL

    The only one with tree trunks too. My lord.

  3. Infinite-Sleep3527

    Ngl, but ovi looks tiny in this pic. Camera angle isn’t doing the big rig any favours here eh

  4. Mysterious-Ad-244

    It’s because his mommy dressed him

  5. tcrex2525

    Wait, is that supposed to be a good thing?

  6. davetheotter

    Proud to have him as our captain. A complete class act.

  7. katiegaga87

    When you look that good in a suit, you can wear one as often as you like

  8. EvetsYenoham

    Sid should have gone with the athletic fit pants. Quadzilla.

  9. freefrompress

    The only one who didn’t train?

  10. Blynasty

    I have that same look when I’m positioned in a place where it looks like I’m part of a conversation but I’m really just thinking about something else

  11. Old-Significance4921

    Legends. In real life.

  12. enditallalready2

    And he’s so mad about it lol. He’s like « wtf guys I never got the memo »

  13. Box_of_leftover_lego

    Sids all caked up too, those suits are mad custom.

    If I had custom suits I’d wear them everywhere.

  14. DabsDoctor

    Nice of Sid to entertain those two fans as he’s trying to leave the rink.

  15. Empty-Refuse8923

    To be fair, that’s how everyone dresses in Russia

  16. fjordperfect123

    If McDavid wore a suit I wonder which tie he would choose

  17. YVRkeeper

    Came straight from the office…

  18. FlyingVMoth

    He looks at Ovy like he told him to wear a suit but it was casual reunion

  19. paranrml-inactivity

    This is Henrik Lundqvist level poise and style.

  20. TheRedScarey

    Sid’s quads look like they’re about to bust out of those pants.

  21. CDROMantics

    Ovi is 6’3, McDavid is 6’1, Crosby is 5’11.

    But in this picture Ovi and McDavid look the same height. And there’s NO WAY Crosby is only 2 inches shorter than McDavid. Something ain’t adding up.

  22. Ok_Island_1306

    McJesus is playing pocket pool

  23. RayPetersonn

    Sid is one of the few left with serious class

  24. guraqt2t

    Sid is 100% class.

    But all this means is that he was the last one to change out of his suit, lmao. It’s the ASG, they all show up in suits.

  25. Internal_Date265221

    They are hockey players, do you know that?

  26. AroraCorealis

    didn’t realize how fat ovi is. still in better shape than most people will ever be but he’s built like a truck

  27. benny_bigD

    Crosby is definitely the guy that took winning in gym class volleyball way too seriously.

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