@Canadiens de Montréal

Rob Ramage on Logan Mailloux

Rob Ramage on Logan Mailloux



  1. michiganbhunter

    Gary gonna let him play?

  2. Watching the London playoffs run, the problem wasn’t Mailloux not taking defensive play to heart; the problem was him not having been coached enough to figure out simple things like gap control or coverage.

    Willingness to play defensively still require knowledge of how to do it efficiently, which is what is lacking in Mailloux’s game right now. Not as lacking as Norlinder, but not a whole lot better.

    He’ll need to learn those things, and the NHL isn’t the place for that. So a solid 1-2 years of learning in Laval is on the menu for him.

    That’s what the farm team is for and why player development is so important.

  3. slymanjojo

    I Hope he hits and becomes a good player, what he did was shitty and the consequences were 100% deserved and I hope he keeps proving that he regrets his decision and tries to be an active member of the community like Drouin was

  4. LadyGisCompromised

    Convicted felon and murderer Rob Ramage?

  5. alex1596

    If Rob’s career in hockey doesn’t take off, he can always do porn because Rob Ramage is a helluva porn name

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