@Ligue nationale de hockey

Les chiffres ne mentent pas les amis

Les chiffres ne mentent pas les amis



  1. Street_Plate_6461

    Kessel is the best player ever

  2. OzzieNewYork

    Kessel for Prime Minister of Canada.

  3. Master-File-9866

    I think you were looking for r/hockeycirclejerk

  4. Ediec6

    The NHL should do a spin-off series of him where he drives around in the wienermobile, and he tries different street food in each NHL city. They could play it between periods instead of the dry commentary by washed-up players.

  5. Several_Cry2501

    Honestly, I don’t think anyone can argue with the credentials.

    Before seeing this graphic, I would’ve thought McDavid would edge Phil out, career-wise, but when we see all the stats side-by-side it’s clear.

    Phil Kessel is better.

  6. notyomamasusername

    (No one else wants him)

    You know, I know a little team in Carolina that might want him…..

  7. rethrast

    Gawdamn the off season is boring

  8. clistmockingbird

    One is a future hall of famer and the other is Connor McDavid

  9. tpelly

    I’m the first person to beat up on Phil. And I do it relentlessly. This however, is excellent.

  10. IdontWant2FailMyKids

    Haha you are a legend for posting this after I saw it being discussed in the Vegas Knights sub reddit weather to post this here or not and how hockey fans would react . Lol seems they agree, Phil is the Man!
    Dude is legend eating McDonald’s in his Pad in Henderson.

    Just a curious question, I’m new to hockey.
    When was McDavid drafted? And when was Kessel ?
    Does McDavid have time to catch up?
    Stay cool Hockey fans
    Hope everyone has a awesome night/day.

  11. Grimmer026

    It’s almost like the story of war generals who graduate top in their class, but the commander who barely graduated but is on the winning side of the war is the one remembered as a hero.

  12. -MakeNazisDeadAgain

    I know who I’d want on my team

  13. BrooksideNL

    This is so stupid. You can’t compare an incomplete center to an all-star winger who’s won what Phil’s won. Not to mention, he’s done all that with only half as many testicles as McDavid.

  14. amach9

    Man….. seeing it laid out like this is just astonishing.

  15. Qsputnik

    Phil the thrill. Still one of the more colourful players to play with the pens dynasty

  16. fourty-six-and-two

    Phily – Beats cancer with 1 testicle – wins cup

    Mcdavid- has both nuts- no cup

  17. PapaGroot21

    “No one else wants him” wrong any team would love to have him play for them lmao

  18. pharrigan7


  19. Mike9797

    The green text doesn’t lie folks.

  20. Fingolfin__Nolofinwe

    Phil is 35, won the first Stanley Cup in 2016 at 28 (almost 29).

    McDavid is only 26 and isn’t far behind him in a lot of areas…

    Post again when McDavid is 35 and we can talk

  21. wankonobie

    This is hilarious. Kudos 😝

  22. Bowood29

    Call me crazy but if the oilers get to the finals and lose all their games 5-0 somehow mcdavid would still get a few 1st place votes for the Conn Smythe.

  23. TinaBelchersBF

    Whoa… Big if true 🌭

  24. Sisboombah74

    As much as dislike Edmonton, this is entirely stupid.

  25. KungFuSlanda

    don’t need numbers. Eyeballs are fine. Phil freakin rocks

  26. AnonPlzzzzzz

    Phil Kessel also seems infinitely more fun to hang out with

  27. Calling__Elvis

    Never trust statistics unless you doctored them yourself. /Winston.

  28. PennSaddle

    The only player with 3x the Cups as he has Nuts in the salary cap era.

  29. hockeybrianboy

    If the NHL had any marketing skill they’d capitalize in one of a number of ways on Phil’s hot dog eating after he retires.

    Too bad they have none.

  30. throwawayyourfun

    Wow, these off-season shitposts really go for it, don’t they?

  31. tophiefem

    mcdavid is never winning a cup

  32. moutonbleu

    Lord Kessel cannot be compared to mere plebs

  33. AWokenBeetle

    He isn’t called the American Dream for nothing, Illy Fuckin Phily bitch !!!

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