@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Lightning signe Brandon Hagel pour une prolongation de contrat de huit ans

Lightning signe Brandon Hagel pour une prolongation de contrat de huit ans



  1. LukeSkywalker1848

    $6.5? I might be wrong but that seems like a steal. Anyways YAY BAGEL!!! I think that should leave enough $ for Stamkos

  2. whatacharacter

    8 x $6.5. Seems great for both sides.

  3. FlipDigs

    Great value. Young player with lots of talent.


  4. _morningbehbs

    I did not expect this to happen today. 😂 I think that’s a great deal, for him and for us. I’m so ready for this season!! ⚡️

  5. yelpisforsnitches

    Looks like I know who to get for my next jersey

  6. Basil_Normal

    JBB master class. Basically the same contract Tom Wilson just got. I’ll take Hagels upside any day, good to get him locked in before he goes off this year

  7. parkerleomarchant

    Glad to see the guy finally get his bag while also sticking around with the team for 9 more years! Gonna be chanting bagel for a full decade

  8. SwagFondue

    Unironically my favorite player on the team last year, so thrilled he’s staying a Bolt (and at such reasonable AAV). Now do Stamkos!!!

  9. Mayflower023

    I was expecting upwards of 7 for an 8 year deal, awesome extension. Please stammer soon 🤞

  10. BigUmbrellaBoye

    I don’t want to bring down the mood bc I love Hagel and this move but is there any way this contract and some of the other long term contracts could come back to bite us?

  11. VoidsansHalcyon

    Fuck yeah. Hagel the Bagel is here to stay(for 8 years)

  12. bouttohopintheshower

    YESSSSS. HES MY NEXT JERSEY NOW LETS GOOOO. now the question is, buy it next year or wait until there’s a patch 🙂

  13. EasyBeingGreen

    Looking for some everything Hagel jerseys this year

  14. WeeklyDimension1908

    Love this, stamkos extension next

  15. MonarchChonarch

    Whoever let JBB cook let him cook to perfection

  16. Mangos4Lyfe

    Oh SHIT! Let’s go, that’s a big time W

  17. Mr_Brain_Consumer

    LETS GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. vette322

    Excellent deal, great value. The majority of these years should be while he is in his prime, so great timing.

  19. Cakeygoodness666_

    This was the best news I saw this morning.

  20. BlackWhiteRedYellow

    Incredible deal for the Lightning, locks in Hagel in his prime and frees up some space for Stamkos. Let’s FUCKING go.

  21. xxxvla

    Это кража, 💯%. ЖББ лучший

  22. dolewhiplash

    Love this! Signing RFAs to term is always the right move, and I think it’s a great value considering his comparables.

    [For those wondering about Stamkos, as long as he takes 8 or less (which I fully believe he will), we’re good cap wise next year.](https://www.capfriendly.com/armchair-gm/team/4521713) And the year after that the cap goes up again, likely another 4 million. We’re cooking.

  23. Three_Froggy_Problem

    I love this. And I’m also happy for Hagel. Dude got passed around like a bong at the start of his career so I’m glad he’s found a team and fan base that really wants him.

  24. TheSergachef

    it’s genuinely a perfect contract for Hagel. i’m ecstatic about it. especially if he continues to improve??? he hasn’t even hit his prime years yet. on a financial note, this leaves us with a projected 12 million and some change in cap space for next year, with 16 contracts already signed (per capfriendly). to anyone doubting if stamkos will now stay or not, i wouldn’t worry too much. he’s not going anywhere

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