@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[Friedman interviewing Nylander] L’homme le plus détendu du hockey. «Beaucoup de temps» pour régler son contrat, dit qu’il ne veut nulle part ailleurs qu’à Toronto. Je ne vois pas pourquoi tout le monde passe autant de temps à en discuter.

[Friedman interviewing Nylander] L’homme le plus détendu du hockey. «Beaucoup de temps» pour régler son contrat, dit qu’il ne veut nulle part ailleurs qu’à Toronto. Je ne vois pas pourquoi tout le monde passe autant de temps à en discuter.



  1. GracefulShutdown

    I mean, he has to know that this is the Toronto Maple Leafs and Toronto media market^^TM right?

    I’m choosing to believe that this is just a really good job at trolling the media by Willie.

  2. SharkBaitOohAhAh2

    Pretty sure Dubas was an only Toronto guy or no where.

    Same with Matthews.

    PR people need to switch up their game a bit

  3. Reggae4Triceratops

    Why? Because I fucking love you Willy.

  4. Kinglokner16

    Because every other team’s superstars are already locked up & signing 8 year deals….

  5. HemiKooks

    Well, given how his last deal was handled he has to know a little bit as to why we’re discussing it so much

  6. steen101984

    Honey Will don’t give a fuck

  7. shanster925

    Nylander is incredibly consistent in the playoffs, and it’s likely because he doesn’t give a single fuck.

    « Ah we won? Cool man. »

    « Ah we lost? Guess I’ll braid my hair and go eat proscuitto. »

  8. CTHT07

    Willy is the most likeable player on this team by a country mile. He’s never publically complained about his linemates, ice time, usage, captaincy, coach comments, contract etc. Yet he’s the one that gets the short end of the stick every time. Friedman even reported that Nylander would be willing to take less if Matthews and Marner do as well. Despite all that he’s the only forward that shows up every playoffs. He’s going to win a cup at some point, and it better be here.

  9. CoupleScrewsLoose

    is there a link to the interview?

  10. Concubine_number_4

    This is such bullshit. Every single player says this and their agents all tell them to say this. Guys like Willie, Mitch, and Auston have proven it’s all about money for them, which is fine, but it’s so disingenuous when they say there’s nowhere else they want to play.

  11. Adept-Blood-5789

    Probably the only guy I know that can wear a toque in August and still look like he’s totally normal.

  12. ElephantShell34

    I don’t believe this is an act from Willy, I genuinely believe deep down he doesn’t care. The Toronto media affects him less than it affects anybody else I’ve ever seen. Not sure how he does it.

  13. lifeisarichcarpet

    I love him. Perfect mindset for this market.

  14. metericalmil

    Millions of dollars create a lot more memories than a Stanley cup ring baby

  15. BackhandQ

    The PERFECT mindset to play in Toronto. Willy has it in spades! It shows in his on-ice style as well!

    Unfortunately, it may come across as seeming nonchalant, unenthused and bordering on « not trying ». But it’s the opposite. He’s just a confident lad, knows himself, comfortable with himself and is able to take the heat.

    And if the playoffs are any indication, the man shows up and scores in the latter part of the series, in clutch times, unlike his contemporaries on the squad.

  16. aburgess11

    basically saying, « imma see what 34 gets first now fuck off »

  17. CMDRShepardN7

    Willy does not skip leg day.

  18. SpidermanSaves

    My hot take is that I want to keep Nylander over Matthews if negotiations go that way.

    Nylander finds another gear in the playoffs that Matthews has not shown, and has generational flow

    But I am not a GM and that’s probably a good thing.

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