@Ligue nationale de hockey

Doit-il s’agir d’une pénalité de recharge ?

Doit-il s’agir d’une pénalité de recharge ?



  1. GroggySpirits

    Nope. He stopped moving his feet and connected with his shoulder/front, not head. Proper check.

  2. Particular_Stop_3332

    Fuck the Bruins

    But goddamn Krug is a badass

  3. _makoccino_

    If Perron can wrestle Krug to the ice, ride on his back and rip off his helmet on the 2nd try without a call, Krug can check him a few seconds late uncalled.

    Welcome to playoff hockey. Refs let shit slide.

  4. russianspy_1989

    Doesn’t matter, the Blues won the cup.

  5. evilr2

    Right at the beginning of the clip you can see how far of a distance he traveled, all without taking another stride or jumping into the check. He just so happened to get a perfect opportunity at making a hit, but it was clean.

  6. JarmaBeanhead

    His helmet was off and he didn’t immediately go off… No repercussions for that? I thought that was a major rule.

  7. DangerRanger_21

    Yes it’s a charge, but no you can’t call it after all the shit they let go leading up to it.

  8. -MakeNazisDeadAgain

    Not after the bullshit that was going on at the other end right before that lol

  9. OIdChunkOfCoaI

    Yep but it’s the NHL so sometimes it is and sometimes it isn’t.

  10. gabriel197600

    That’s the last Big Hit Krug has dished out, unfortunately:-(

  11. Global-Macaroon-6825

    He didn’t even attempt to play the puck. I thought u have to go to the bench when u loose your helmet.

  12. Suitable-Pea-8226

    Man how I miss Torrey Krug

  13. FBR_MC

    According to the rules, yeah, but charging penalties are fairly rare and in the third period of a SCF, it’s never gonna get called, ever.

  14. Senior_Waltz4745

    Small guys get away with dirty hits, had it been Chara hitting Thomas the same way. that’d be a major plus a suspension.

  15. buddachickentml

    Yes. Kinda the definition really.

  16. Psyck0s

    I hate Boston, but no, that wasn’t a charge. He hustled to get back into the play, went for a loose puck, coasting in (at a high rate of speed) and finished an open ice check. The only part of that play that was clean lol

  17. irishlprchn

    No. Feet aren’t churning and in fact he glides well before contact + man is making play for the puck. Just extremely lucky timing and a great hit to boot. Gotta love playoff hockey

  18. ogfuelbone12

    Definitely not. Stops skating 2 seconds before he lays the hit.

    Now, could’ve been interference cause I don’t think Thomas had control of the puck but sick play. Love the passion. No bucky; fuckin beauty.

  19. spjutmuren

    Nobody knows. The rules for NHL playoff hockey is not publicly available

  20. CakesInc

    They’re teammates now so it all worked out in the end

  21. Elite_Racist_43

    I don’t think charging should be a penalty at all

  22. HufokkinTonite

    E A SPORTS! It’s kind of in the game, like depends on the algorithm’s.

  23. bobby_sponch

    Why? He had just played the puck? Not at all.

  24. GabeLeRoy

    I would’ve crossed check that guy right in the face as he was coming for me at 25kmh. He would’ve seen stars and passed out on the ice. Losing 40 iq on the way I would not have care a single bit. 20 games missconduct fuck it. Dude legit skated 200 feet with the only intention of hurting the other cause he was salty he got handled in front of the net. Krug is a pos big time.

  25. Guit4rN3rd

    I’m just surprised they let him keep playing without a helmet…

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