@Canucks de Vancouver

[MacIntyre] « Je pense que cette année, c’est une question de réussite ou de mort (pour ce groupe), pour être honnête », a déclaré Demko. « Nous aimons ce groupe de gars que nous avons ici, ce noyau. Mais on ne peut pas vraiment dire que nous sommes un groupe jeune.

[MacIntyre] « Je pense que cette année, c’est une question de réussite ou de mort (pour ce groupe), pour être honnête », a déclaré Demko. « Nous aimons ce groupe de gars que nous avons ici, ce noyau. Mais on ne peut pas vraiment dire que nous sommes un groupe jeune.



  1. DepressionMakesJerks

    Landeskog is offically a vancouver canuck. Sedins really good at recruting sweds eh?

  2. cowfromjurassicpark

    Been saying this for awhile. If this team doesn’t win this season, this core is getting shipped elsewhere

  3. eexxiitt

    Well duh. Petey isn’t going to re-sign if we suck and that’s the end of this era lol.

  4. heeb27

    Do or die or what? They aren’t going to win the cup. So what is acceptable for this core? Let’s see then improve and play with some consistency… how about that?

  5. HarveySpecter1970

    Lol don’t agree

    Canucks have finally acquired good depth and pieces for their lineup. Now they’re missing top 6 and top 4 defenceman. Normally teams rebuild and get their top talent first and then get the depth pieces bit in Canucks fashion we’ve done things ass backwards.

    Now we have to add high end players in free agency, which lucky for us is a stacked group. Then lekkerimaki and willander can jump in as well.

    Our stars are young still, this isn’t the do or die year at all.

  6. redditguyinthehouse

    I asked a poll about this a couple months ago, I feel as though if they have a similar season to the past few, many of the players will become frustrated and request to leave. It’s not there fault too, management would prove to have failed building a proper team around this talented core.

  7. HanSolo5643

    I mean, he’s right. If the team doesn’t make the playoffs and show signs of progress, then changes will have to be made. This core had made the playoffs once, and that was due to circumstances that are unlikely to be repeated.

  8. literaphile

    I don’t disagree that the core needs to step it up, but the Canucks ARE one of the youngest teams in the league.

  9. DishwasherFromSurrey

    Aren’t we the seventh youngest team?

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