@Canadiens de Montréal

Cole Caufield explique pourquoi il a signé une prolongation de contrat maximale de 8 ans avec le Tricolore cet été

Cole Caufield explique pourquoi il a signé une prolongation de contrat maximale de 8 ans avec le Tricolore cet été



  1. DeVille99

    ‘If you don’t wannabe here, get out’

    Exactly my thoughts.

  2. Our bundle of joy growing up right in front of us into a bundle of sass

  3. GundaniumA

    i fucking love you cole ya fucking beauty

  4. Loses_Bet

    Says a lot considering he’s worn the Wisconsin jersey which would’ve meant a lot to him

  5. > »It’s probably the sickest jersey I’ve ever worn »

    And hopefully it’s the last one he ever wears!

  6. >If you don’t want to be there, just get out.

    Holy based

  7. eriverside

    It really feels like you need a limited set of mindsets to have success here. Over the Berg years a few players were able to have success here that they couldn’t have elsewhere.

    You need to be tough, resilient – even if its not your personality (ahem, Webs). Need to generally be a happy person with optimism. Look at how Shaw, Tatar, Weise, DD, Subban, CC act in general. They always seem positive – snarky at times – but you gotta have something inside you that keeps you up tempo as you ignore the shit happening around you.

    PK ate a bunch of shit from everywhere here but still kept up a positive attitude. CC came in for a miracle cup run but kept up his attitude despite 2 of the worst seasons in franchise history. Even Tatar: got traded twice, embarrassingly the 2nd time, and made the most of it. When the Habs benched him in the playoffs, he stuck around and joined the team in the pictures. He knew his time was up here, but he still found a way to enjoy the moment.

    Let’s compare that Petry, Pacioretty, who didn’t really belong. They didn’t have that thing inside to help them tough it out. Not to say they aren’t tough – they both fought through injuries and adversity to have excellent careers – but they don’t have the thing that makes you happy to get back up. Not like Gally. Not like Plecky.

    So, yeah. If you don’t have that spark to get back up, block out the negatives and keep your attitude, this city will grind you down.

  8. Yamcha_is_dead

    I would run through a fucking wall for Cole.

    Unbelievable that an American kid fell in love with the city/country so fast, especially since other Canadian teams got bit in the ass these last few years by American guys wanting out.

  9. *Je vous salue Cole, plein d’audace,*

    *Les Glorieux sont avec vous.*

    *Vous êtes bénie entre toutes les flames.*

    *Et vos buts, fruits d’effort triomphal, sont bénis.*

    *Sainte Flanelle, vénère de Glorieux,*

    *Sauvegardez notre fauve buteur.*

    *Maintenant et à l’heure des éliminatoires.*

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