@Ligue nationale de hockey

Classe zéro

Classe zéro



  1. blackmesaboogy

    He is not the only dirty, classless player in the NHL for sure, but he is the only dirty, classless captain in the NHL.
    Of an original 6 team, no less.

  2. alittlejoop

    Damn, he is wilding out on those first two pics

  3. spagboltoast

    « Players can never grow or mature as people ever ever »

  4. DeadPirateSociety

    I bet he was the snot nosed twat in middle school that nobody talked to because he smelled like pee

  5. DarkUnderbelly

    If you’re not in Boston, you wouldn’t understand. Excellent choice as Captain, he’s become a Boston legend

  6. AceConspirator

    Lol, look at these comments. Marchy living rent free in all of your heads.

  7. HaroldBaws

    If Boston fans could read, they’d be so mad.

  8. MagnustheJust

    #Oh Captain!! My Captain!!

  9. SloppyJozy

    Drama Queen Canucks fan still boohooing because Marchand scored 2 of the 4 goals in Game 7 2011 SCF . It was 12 years ago time to move on. 😢

  10. cspan92

    Cry harder Canucks fan. Just because Brad made Sedin look like a bitch by punching him over and over again doesn’t mean he has no class lol. Go fuck yourself

  11. Possible_Climate_245

    Ill admit his slew of incidents make it a concerning choice…but sounds like you haven’t gotten over 2011 lmao.

  12. BannedMyName

    I’d say he’s living rent free but it’s been so long for you ‘Nuck fans that March & Mill Co probably moved in and bought your whole neighborhood

  13. PeteRock24

    The first two panels are silly; licking people is a bitch move but whatever.

    Giving cup checks? Bitch move too but kind of funny.

    But that Marcus Johansson elbow was egregious AS FUCK. That happened about two seconds after the whistle blows in front of the Devils net and you can’t really tell in the picture but Marchand has left his feet for a flying elbow. It was an absolute POS move that OF COURSE Jack Edwards and his crew of Bruin-blowing jerk-offs acted as if it was just a good hockey play.

    Maybe Marchand is a better dude now I don’t know, but certainly at one point he was Matt Cooke with goal scoring ability.

  14. Snoo10960

    Marchand pissed his pants in 2nd grade every day

  15. GG-EZ-NO-RE

    I hate the Bruins just as much as the next guy but when was the last time he did something stupid like these?

    All you cry babies about him not being classy or anything. Boo fn hoo

  16. Tuques

    Well deserved captaincy. Beloved in Boston and hated literally everywhere else. Dude is also avging like 80pts a season.

  17. Senbacho

    Like Wilson, everybody will love to have him in their team.

  18. Yet-Another_Burner

    Imagine being this obsessed with someone. Weird look.

  19. MrAbadeer

    He’s ended most of his BS the past few years but I agree with your sentiment. Should have been McAvoy

  20. Working_Horse_3077

    Dude is a class act off the ice. He’s a veteran and has certainly calmed down a little. Perfect captain IMO.

  21. jimhabfan

    In other news, the Boston Bruins will now be known as the Boston Facelickers.

  22. Weird-Swim-9777

    I hate him, but it’s a great choice for the Bruins. Obvious choice, really. OP with the surprised pikachu face lol

  23. IAmTheBredman

    Marchand is a damn good hockey player. He has 2 cups, Olympic gold, world junior gold, world cup gold, etc. And has worn an A for years. What more could you want from a leader? Yea, he was a bit of a dumbass early in his career, but he’s been settled for a handful of years now. He’s also 35, so when he retires in a couple years it’ll be time for macavoy to take over without rushing him into the role.

  24. Boring_Pace5158

    In an another life, Marchand would’ve made a great pro-wrestler. He does kayfabe to perfection, as he’s the heel in every rink outside of the Garden. He not only gets under the skin of his opponents, he gets under the skin of their fans.

  25. Moose5048

    Lots of non-Bruins fans spending a lot of time thinking about Brad Marchand 😅

  26. Rupdy71

    Those licking incidents showed how the reffing in the NHL is like the WWE. Haven’t been able to spit on another player without a match penalty for decades. Marchand literally licks a player directly in front of the ref and the ref is like « I can’t stop him, what do I do? »

  27. forgetstorespond

    Lol well living in Canada if our PM can do black face 12 times and still be the Prime Minister. I honestly dont see what the big deal is with any of this. I think you are maybe thinking we still put « good character people » in charge of things. That went out the window a few years back. Now it seems like the more crazy you are the bigger platform you get.

  28. smala017

    Even without all this baggage, going from Chara and Bergeron as captains to Marchand is a huge downgrade.

  29. Minute_Engineer2355

    He plays in lots of charity events in Nova Scotia, he’s a very good dude outside of the NHL.

  30. Powerism

    The “zero class” tagline reinforces that this isn’t just a playful meme, it’s evidence of legitimate trauma from 2011. You’ll never forget, will you OP?

  31. Grizzly_Addams

    TIL the « C » stands for « class »

  32. South-Bag7958

    Marchand is garbage. I’m betting Bergeron & Krejci retired because they were sick of supporting him as a teammate.

  33. jpatt05

    Hahahahha you pussy ass Canucks fans always make me laugh. Go talk to Brucey Boudreau about class in an organization.

  34. Fedbackster

    There are entire montages of him on YouTube leg-whipping guys from behind. Way worse than those pics in the OP. A top cheap/dirty player.

  35. Tom_Brady6969

    My favorite thing about Marchand is how much he pisses off soft dorks on the internet

  36. W3ttyFap

    Imagine someone living in so many heads rent free. All hail the nose.

  37. dvanderl

    Oh, Captain Ratigan
    Oh, Captain Ratigan
    The rest fall behind
    To Captain Ratigan
    To Captain Ratigan
    The world’s greatest RAT!

  38. PNGhost

    >Zero class

    I welcome our renewed commitment to being villains in this league.

  39. TheZebrraKing

    I hate the bruins and I hate Marchand. But if he was ever on a team I cheer for I would get his jersey instantly and be one of my favorite players

  40. mcburke42

    OP eternally butthurt from 2011 ✌️

  41. NotAMacaw

    He’s a hell of a hockey player, but he’s also a little shit. I guess only Bruins fans can appreciate him because he’s a Bruin. If he would quit the slew foots, sticks to the nuts and licking other men, I guarantee there’s be less hate towards him outside of Boston.

  42. Frags08

    The only correct choice for captain and well deserved.

    Hate him all you want but you’d love him on your team.

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