@Ligue nationale de hockey

Clint Malarchuk

Clint Malarchuk



  1. SqueakyAnus

    I remember his injury like it just happened. That to this day Is still the most gut wrenching injury along side Richard Zednik’s Injury. I came to realize after those 2 Injuries that hockey players are just a different breed

  2. BubbaSpanks

    Really a great guy ! Damn lucky to be alive!

  3. Porkchopp33

    Fun fact Clint is also a horse dentist and goes by Dr. Malarchuk

  4. Comfortable-Ad-7158

    Soccer players trip and get taken off in a stretcher.

    This guy has his throat slit and holds it and skates off himself.

    Enough said.

  5. VincentVegaTQ

    I really like his pads. I had Brown’s in white with blue.

  6. StackThePads33

    He has one of the scariest moments in the NHL. He’s lucky to have survived it

  7. UniversalHammer71

    I’m a transplant to Terre Haute, Indiana from the greater Chicagoland area. Hockey isn’t really big, here (no local team.) A younger guy I work with knows I’m a fan, and periodically asks questions about the game. A few months ago, he asked if the skates are really sharp, and if it’s ever resulted in injuries. I showed him the « incident » on YouTube. He almost barfed.

  8. bobby_sponch

    There is one thing only that he will be remembered for and this isn’t that. Was watching the game and am very happy he was ok.

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