@Ducks d'Anaheim

OCVibe démarre enfin ? Certains parkings sont supprimés à partir de demain

OCVibe démarre enfin ? Certains parkings sont supprimés à partir de demain



  1. Looks to me like the blocked off areas are where two of the three future parking structures are supposed to be. My guess is they got the parking structures through the city and permitted separately from the rest of the project so that they have those built first before they demo and build everything else. Idea probably being that they can still have enough parking available without interruptions for events/games while they build everything else.

    So yes I would guess it’s starting, but it’ll be a slow burn until we actually start seeing the vibe portions.

  2. spacegrab

    welp, at least those two construction zones are relatively smaller areas. I fucking hate that leftside one above lot8.

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