@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Canadiens vs Hurricanes – Faits saillants – 31 mars 2022

Voici des faits saillants du match qui opposait les Canadiens de Montréal aux Hurricanes de la Caroline le 31 mars 2022. N’oubliez pas d’aimer la vidéo et de vous abonnez à la chaîne!


  1. Can’t believe we didn’t score at least a goal especially in that 3rd period. Nice loss for the standings

  2. Complete domination. But this should not have been 3 goal game (not including empty net). That's Allen's work right there. Working hard to save the game even if it's most likely that Montreal won't come back. Allen still gave them a chance. should have been 5-0. Another thing i love is how MSL has never been scared to pull the goalie with lots of time left. Woth Douchearm it felt like he was scared to pull the goalie and he did it with like 1 minute left, here is MSL pulling with 5+ minutes you love to see the bold moves. Finally, what horrible officiating. refs on this league are a joke. now in the third it looked like they were favoring Montreal, it seems like refs operate this way : one period, even penalties, one period call penalties on one team only and one period all penalties on the other team.

  3. Un match à oublier, les Hurricanes faisait se qu'il voulait sur la glace suis même pas sur si il se sont sentie menacé à un moment dans game. Même en désavantage numérique il l'avait facile! Je sais pas se qui se passe avec le CH depuis 2-3 match mais sa pêche au niveau de l'attaque. Il on du mal à rentrer en territoire adverse avec la rondelle et même le duo Caufield/Suzuki ne font plus grand chose je trouve!

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