@Red Wings de Détroit


Billets WWP Night at the LCA (en partenariat avec les Red Wings de Détroit) – les 400 premiers acheteurs de billets reçoivent un bonnet co-marqué Red Wings x WWP ! : https://fevogm.com/event/Wingedwheelpodcast/offer Alors que la pré-saison avance , tout comme Nate Danielson et les Red Wings de Détroit. Connectez-vous pendant que nous discutons des récents matchs de Hockeytown contre Chicago, y compris la performance de Nate Danielson contre Connor Bedard & Co., la chimie de Michael Rasmussen avec JT Compher, et plus encore alors que le reste de l’équipe se bat pour ses places autour de Larkin, Raymond, DeBrincat et Seider. (4h25). Après cela, regardons la décision de gardien de but que Steve Yzerman et Derek Lalonde doivent prendre : quel gardien gardent-ils pour épauler Ville Husso, James Reimer ou Alex Lyon ? Ou bien auront-ils 3 gardiens, et quel impact cela aura-t-il sur de jeunes joueurs comme Simon Edvinsson ou Marco Kasper (19:20) ? Ensuite, notre aperçu de la division métropolitaine, alors que nous analysons et prédisons la saison à venir pour les Hurricanes de la Caroline, les Devils du New Jersey de Jack Hughes, les Rangers de New York, les Islanders de New York, les Blue Jackets de Columbus, les Penguins de Pittsburgh, les Flyers de Philadelphie et les Capitals de Washington (25 :38). Enfin, des nouvelles sur Dmitri Buchelnikov (54:15), des nouvelles de la LNH sur les prévisions d’augmentation du plafond slary de Gary Bettman, le nouveau contrat de Trevor Zegras, l’expansion à Atlanta, et plus encore (55:40) avant de répondre à vos questions et commentaires pendant la prolongation (1 :10:05) – profitez-en ! Rendez-vous sur wingedwheelpodcast.com pour trouver toutes les façons d’écouter, comment soutenir l’émission et bien plus encore. —– Merci d’avoir fait de nous le plus grand podcast des Red Wings de Détroit à l’antenne ! #RedWings #LGRW Site Web : https://www.wingedwheelpodcast.com Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/wingedwheelpodcast Twitter : https://www.twitter.com/WingedWheelPod (Consultez la bio pour suivre les hôtes !) Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/wingedwheelpodcast Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/wingedwheelpodcast Écoutez sur… Podcasts Apple : https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/winged- wheel-podcast/id969768868 Podcasts Google : https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cDovL2ZlZWRzLmZlZWRidXJuZXIuY29tL1dpbmdlZFdoZWVsUG9kY2FzdA%3D%3D Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/6Wp4fEi1EO741Ul xPMGtaS SoundCloud : https://open. spotify.com/show/6Wp4fEi1EO741UlxPMGtaS Flux RSS : http://wingedwheelpodcast.libsyn.com/rss


  1. im a little torn on edvinsson development.. where is he right now and what can he turn into?

  2. If it turns out Evan is just leading you guys on and elopes with his lady for months, hope you give me a fair shake at that 3rd chair! LGRW 🐙 🏒 🤘

  3. I thought the same watching those Hawks games, they went way overboard with the Bedard talk. I get it, but they are def gonna make me annoyed like they did with Crosby.

  4. I know Mason Raymond so well because for the longest time he was the cheap guy in NHL video games that was fast and could score a bit for your lower lines.

  5. Beddards goal doesn't matter at all. Preseason and against players that really aren't going to be on the roster doesn't say squat

  6. The way people talk about toughness is silly. The Wings were not some soft hearted, undersized, deer in headlights team last year. They pushed back against any team that got rough. Some teams were better at physical game than them, but they didn't lose to every single team in that category. One big hit from Reeves on Hronek, or Ottawa running around and hitting as late as possible and throwing the wings off their game is not reason to judge the whole team. Seider, Chiarot and Rasmussen were there last year, too. Adam Erne couldn't score, but he hit everything that moved. Larkin has always had a temper that he'll let loose when someone crosses a line, he was doing it last night. This team is plenty tough.

  7. I'm from the SLC area, and I'll tell ya, an NHL team here would do very well. There are plenty of hockey fans and a metric ton of potential hockey fans here.

  8. A few notes:
    * I love this team. Full stop. I really enjoyed watching the boys last night play with some intensity and grit — even if it put them in the box quite a bit. Yes, it's only preseason, so I'm hopeful that it translates to success in the regular season. That said, I'm still not expecting playoffs this year, but damned if I'm not hopeful at least.

    * The Blackhawks faithful, and the league, are both going hard with the Bedard nonsense. Look, dude is gonna be a great player, but he's not "breaking ankles". The only goal he got against both Wings squads was a single empty netter.

    * A few words on Atlanta:
    As a resident of the Atlanta area, the market is just too big to ignore. The proposed location of The Gathering (the proposed development) isn't just where the a large portion of money is, it's also where the majority of hockey fans are. The thing the league points to is how successful the Braves development (Truist Park)), also about 30 miles outside downtown, has been. Most of the Braves STHs are in and around the area where the new ballpark is, so it's clearly working for them, and the league's position seems to be that it'll work for the NHL. Not to mention, the owner of State Farm Arena and the NBA's Hawks seem to have little interest in hockey.

    As fans, we often have our own personal perspectives on what things will and won't work without ever really knowing details. As a person located in the Atlanta market, what I'm telling you is only part of the story, because I have no way to conduct market research. But rest assured that the league has. Daly's remarks from a few weeks ago indicate the position that they feel the proposed location will work, nevermind the fact that it's 35mi outside downtown (or anywhere from 45min-2hrs, all depending on who the hell knows).

    Personally, I share concerns about the proposed development's location. But that's only because we've all watched it crash and burn in Glendale. However, if any suburb of the Atlanta metro area could support the venue, it's south Forsyth County.

    * Finally, just gotta say, the podcast feels empty without Evan… or, hell, just anyone to sit in that third seat.

  9. I'm honestly wondering at this point if Bedard ends up being a lowkey locker room cancer with all this publicity.

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