@Devils du New Jersey

Les diables font six coupures ; Nemec et Holtz restent

Les diables font six coupures ; Nemec et Holtz restent



  1. Franzblau

    Are we gonna lose Tyce Thompson on waivers? I guess the team has to take the risk.

  2. standardbluejay

    Pleasantly surprised re: Nemec. Guess you learn more as a healthy scratch in the National than in Utica, where he’s already quite comfy and above the level of play.

  3. powatwain

    I’ve been pleasantly surprised with Hatakka

    I think he’ll get first crack when someone goes down

    Nice for a throw-in in the Timo deal

  4. Urmomletmerubher

    Willman earned it yesterday. There were 2 plays in the 1st where I saw him hustling on the forecheck and it really put pressure. Then I noticed he stayed out for another shift. Sure enough, he scores shortly after. Saw all those series of events happen in slow motion.

    Good for Willman!

    (Hatakka had an amazing preseason, too!)

  5. So this leaves us with 27 people on the roster with the need to cut 4. The notables are Holtz, Tierney, N. Foote, Nemec, Miller. Holtz and Nemec being the only ones waiver exempt.

    (We also technically have daws but as he injured he’s doesnt take a roster spot)

  6. Ok_Refrigerator7378

    How come some players are able to be assigned to Utica while others require the waiver stage?

  7. DontDraftSmall

    Gurianov on wavers. Maybe we should??

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