@Canucks de Vancouver

Discussion : c’est triste que nous ayons perdu notre principal groupe Facebook des Canucks au profit de ces perdants. Ils rachètent tous les groupes et ne permettent à personne d’autre de partager des nouvelles

Un groupe connu sous le nom de HETL Media tente d’exercer un monopole sur les actualités Facebook de la LNH. Ils ne sont même pas des fans des Canucks, mais essayez de vous convaincre qu’ils le sont. Leur seul but est de vous fournir les dernières nouvelles de leurs sites « bladeofsteel » « canucksdaily » « houseofhockey » « puckreporter » etc… où cela s’arrête-t-il ?



  1. hangoverpho

    Jokes on you, I use Reddit.

  2. Talax604

    S.E.O. and adsense for dayzzzz. I just use reddit. The water’s nicer over here.

  3. Captain_JT_Miller

    I deleted my Facebook account years ago, never looked back.

  4. PaperweightCoaster

    Who uses Facebook for any sort of news or updates? Only people I see who do this are those who attended the “School of Hard Knocks” according to their Facebook profile…

  5. corh13

    do people below the age 40 even use facebook anymore?

  6. typeronin

    Imagine using Facebook in 2023 for anything but Marketplace

  7. therehego29

    Bro it’s your fault for being a boomer

  8. cornbatch69

    How the heck do you but a facebook group

  9. Insomniak604

    Oh ew is that what that shit had been? Unfollowed.

  10. Travioli92_

    if you use facebook in 2023 for anything other than marketplace you need to re think life

  11. Tatehamma

    The Canucks FB group was LOADED with casual, uneducated ‘fans’. Good riddance.

  12. ooMEAToo

    Never heard of Facebook before, is that something old people used when they were cool.

  13. Striking_Economy5049

    People still use Facebook?

  14. KenDanger2

    Facebook is so much worse than reddit

  15. TheMassiveDefect

    Facebook? Who gives a shit…

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