@Red Wings de Détroit

Les Red Wings disent qu’ils sont toujours en train de reconstruire. Qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour cette saison ? Par Max Bultman

Les Red Wings disent qu’ils sont toujours en train de reconstruire. Qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour cette saison ? Par Max Bultman



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  2. Really good in depth piece by max. Explores both sides of the argument imo. Seems like the players in the room are almost happier that the team is more vets then young guys which makes sense in a way but also means they’ll have to prove it on the ice.

    Lots of good quotes and max basically argues both sides.

  3. PineapplePhil

    Well timed article seeing how this is the entire discourse at the moment

  4. BellsBeerBestBeer

    >Head coach Derek Lalonde, meanwhile, noted the ways veteran experience can help players avoid the day-to-day emotional highs and lows that can plague younger players.

    >“A little thing (like) just being posted on the lineup as a fourth-line wing — sometimes a young guy, that breaks them for the day,” Lalonde said. “Or just going through a game, only getting six minutes just because of the way the game played out, and not letting that bother you.”

    >Those things are real, as is the difference in knowing what works and doesn’t work in the NHL, and the physical maturation needed to accomplish it.

    This highlights an aspect we as fans rarely remember to think about, and can’t possibly know everything about. It’s stuff that goes on in the locker room and communication among the organization.

  5. dopesickness

    Lots of good insights in this one. I particularly like Perron’s quote about building the right culture, and this on seems to sum up the position we’re in perfectly: “Their NHL roster doesn’t really look like a rebuilder’s, but their prospect pool does. Most still expect them to finish like a rebuilder, but they don’t plan to play like one.”

    Definitely not a make or break year for us, but a year to get this team adjusted to being playoff ready, and a year for young guys to flourish in Grand Rapids.

  6. Jesusberg

    The current setup for this team makes sense to me, at least in theory. Either this group of guys sneaks into the playoffs or they fall short and Yzerman likely ships out both Perron and Ghost for picks, making room for Berggren/Soderblom and Edvinsson to finish the year in the NHL.

    Plus, players are going to get hurt. If anyone from the top-9/PP group goes down, have to think it’s Berggren (maybe not if it’s a fourth liner). With the team running an 11/7 lineup, I imagine Edvinsson is the defensive call up no matter what.

    It’s not the most exciting lineup on paper, but I do think it’s a practical one.

  7. Competitive-Delay815

    Rebuilds take longer if you keep getting fucked over in the draft.

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