@Canadiens de Montréal

La tradition doit perdurer

La tradition doit perdurer



  1. “When you go to reddit on gamedays and they say, « Rossrhea, say the line, gameday thread ready for Rossrhea, say the line. »
    And if no one answers they’ll say the name again: « Rossrhea, say the line. »
    But then if no one answers, they’ll post it themselves. « Gross game a soir. »
    Yeah, but what happened to the Rossrhea? No one seems to care. Who can post at a time like this? People are missing. You people are selfish. Rossrhea is in someone’s trunk right now, with duct tape over their mouths. And he’s hungry. That’s a double whammy! « Reddit, search party! » You can watch hockey once you find Rossrhea! »

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