@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Mathieu Joseph, Drake Batherson et DJ Smith Disponibilité des médias après le match contre la RCA

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef DJ Smith et les attaquants Mathieu Joseph et Drake Batherson après le match de ce soir contre les Hurricanes de la Caroline au PNC Arena. 0:00 DJ Smith 1:12 Mathieu Joseph 3:33 Drake Batherson


  1. played a good 1st period and then fell apart. can't be giving up so many quality scoring chances in our own end and expect to win. could've been alot worse, but we really need to get pinto in the lineup and figure out what's going on with norris

  2. I hope it's not going to be another season with the other team getting 40+ shots on net.. If that is the case we will not make the playoffs, it's unacceptable with that defense . Not even upset about the loss just those shots against..

  3. How does dj still have a job. If i was this nad at my job I'd be fired

  4. That PP goal was bad… both D were 10 feet too far away from their own net.. really need to get those 4 points this weekend.. no excuse not to win at home against the Flyers and a Lighting team with no Vasilesky

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