@Blues de Saint-Louis

12 octobre : Entretiens d’après-match

Écoutez le gardien de but Jordan Binnington, le défenseur Tyler Tucker et l’entraîneur-chef Craig Berube après une défaite de 2-1 en fusillade contre les Stars de Dallas.


  1. We got a point, it looked promising. Defensively we cleaned it up this off-season we just need to get more offensive zone pressure and get more pressure.

  2. Goalies shouldn’t do media. They should be exempt. These interviews are usually cringe. Wait till stuff matters and pick a couple players. Go blues.

  3. Best of all we played like a team! Proud of the defense backing up the goalie. Shots on goal ( accuracy) will come. This is your first game this season. You guys did real good!! A point against The Stars at home wasn’t easy!!

  4. Gonna be a long season for the Blues. Trade Binnington and free up some money. He can’t play in the regular season. Put Subban in.

  5. Vast improvement for the D over last season. Unfortunately the turnovers are still there, with passes up the middle (Parayko, Faulk), but limiting the extra shots was huge. Happy about the point.

  6. Thought Binner and the D looked amazing. Dallas is a top defensive team in the league. Walking away with a point is a good way to start

  7. Great game, just couldn't finish a couple grade a chances, but they also have a great goalie. Play like this all the time and we'll be in the playoffs this year

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