@Rangers de New York

Honnêtement, ce n’était pas amusant à regarder…

En regardant de plus près ce qui a finalement été une affaire assez ennuyeuse alors que les Sabres de Buffalo ont été battus 5-1 par les Rangers de New York. Nous en parlerons et bien plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH de ce soir !


  1. I thought the Rangers playing defense with their new system was awesome! It's a very positive change and gives me a lot of hope for the future(I also cashed on the under goals in this one so very fun if you ask me xp)

  2. Watching a team go to a 1-3-1 trap from the second period on makes me want to smash my head into a wall. I know it wins hockey games but my god it's the NHLs version of Ambien.

  3. Rangers were physical, did well defensively, special teams plus; Shesty were focused and, not lackadaisical.. 😮😮😮 Shesty should've gotten the shut-out… Nonetheless, happy with an all round solid team effort…

  4. Levi wasn't the issue, sure a larger goalie may have had a better chance on a few of those. Buffalo just gave up prime scoring opportunities that left him out to dry. The panarin goal, yea maybe… but that was also a perfect shot off the post above the pad. Not a Buffalo fan btw

  5. Someone ought to talk about the Wild Panthers game and Gustaffson's 41 shot shutout in the season opener.

  6. Rangers got a coach that knows how bad their defenders are individually so he has them play the trap. The physicality was a good watch in the 1st but overall the game was boring.

  7. Please, can you at least pronounce Mika's name correctly? He's been with the Rangers of 7 years, for crying out loud.
    It's ZiBANejad, with an a, not Zibinejad with an i.

  8. I love your content, but this title was kind of clickbaity. I think this game was extremely fun to watch. Had physicality, 5 goals + 1 shorty, and honestly good defense is fun to watch also imo.

    But hey you’re entitled to your opinion, if that’s what you genuinely thought

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