@Sharks de San José

5 prédictions audacieuses pour la saison 2023-24 des Sharks

À la veille de l’ouverture de la saison des Sharks de San Jose, Keegan et Sheng lâchent 5 prédictions audacieuses (chacune) pour la saison 2023-24. Mais avant de passer aux choses sérieuses, abordons la grande nouvelle alors que le camp d’entraînement des Sharks touche à sa fin. Nous discutons des lignes de la soirée d’ouverture (2h00), de Kaapo Kahkonen qui a été nommé partant de la soirée d’ouverture (7h48), du revers de Logan Couture (10h07) et de l’interdiction de la bande Pride par la LNH (17h11). Sheng fait la différence entre le maillot d’échauffement spécialisé et les interdictions de ruban adhésif Pride. Et maintenant, cinq prédictions audacieuses sur les Sharks de San Jose ! Gardez à l’esprit que ce sont toutes des suppositions pures ou éclairées. Sheng prédit que les Sharks de San Jose termineront avec plus de 70 points (39:18). En revanche, Keegan rétorque que les Sharks seront la pire équipe de la LNH (41:00). Sheng pense que Filip Zadina marquera plus de 20 buts (43:58). Pendant ce temps, Keegan pense qu’Anthony Duclair sera le meilleur buteur de l’équipe, au moins jusqu’à la date limite des échanges (48 :00). Sheng suppose — une pure supposition — que Couture ne jouera pas avant décembre (52:00). Keegan répond avec un certain optimisme : il dit que Kaapo Kahkonen atteindra un pourcentage d’économies de 0,905 cette saison (55 :00). Sheng regarde également le bon côté des choses, il aime Mikael Granlund avec plus de 50 points cette année (58:17). Voici une version épicée : Keegan dit qu’Alexander Barabanov mènera les Sharks de San Jose au chapitre des points (1:01:22). Sheng pense qu’Henry Thrun restera toute la saison avec les Sharks (1:02:57). Keegan voit William Eklund marquer plus de 40 points (1:05:23). Enfin, quelques pronostics bonus (1:09:50) ! Sheng pense que Mario Ferraro réparera sa réputation cette saison, tandis que Keegan prédit que Ty Emberson s’imposera comme un joueur de tous les jours de la LNH.


  1. Yeah that Pride stuff is ridiculous, definitely feels like a step backwards. Also, hearing you guys cuss makes the episodes slightly less vanilla, always makes me chuckle lol 🤭🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈

  2. Sheng bruh let my boy Keegan speak 😭. Put a sock in it every once in awhile. Good show tho keep up the good work

  3. Interesting that Sheng thinks Benning's trade value has eclipsed Ferraro's. I think that would be a hard take for a lot of casual Sharks fans to digest. Makes you think that maybe we should have taken that "competitive offer" for Ferraro (although idk if that just means a 3rd round pick or similar). I can see why the Sharks want to keep him around and value his ability to lead/eat minutes, but he needs to have fewer defensive lapses.

  4. get politics out of hockey, period… there's nothing wrong with selling pride jerseys in the shop at the arena, or for players doing special pride tape sticks at a ball hockey tournament for gays, etc.

    i resent having these players have to make a choice, just make a blanket policy (kudos to Bettman) that doesn't put these players in a position to make a choice, there are ways to promote the game of hockey off ice to all ages, shapes and sizes… we got a game to play here! its like the helmet grandfathering rule, the ultimate policy setting is for player safety and nothing arouses people more than politics & religious debates.. so get rid of it! as i said… these players are charitable off-ice and can use their personal brands to promote various initiatives, but as the great Michael Jordan said "all people need sneakers", referring to one side of the political spectrum telling him to promote their side only, or for him to pick a side!

    stay neutral my friends, its a defensive posture against the wokies… lets play hockey! lets fkn gooo!!!

  5. i also predict that Ekkie & Bordy will be united, they looked too good together in the pre-season as far as line chemistry

  6. finally, Zadina only gets a dozen (12) goals and may struggle at times (atleast from seeing him in pre-season), he will have a similar up-n-down season as Gregy / Noah Gregor did last year…

  7. Ferraro fetches more than Benning (probably a 2nd rounder or a rookie prospect plus a 3rd/4th) but he'll need salary retained, but I feel like Benning's contract is more valuable (and they wouldn't need to retain) but you don't want to trade that away for some 4th or 3rd! He's proven, its like a bird in the hand vs. unproven draft pick which will take 3-5 years to be a Matt Benning again. So it will depend on GM Grier's timeline or window of compete to open up again. Benning's contract is so valuable, because if they start paying guys like Ekkie/Bordy, Musty, $3-5 mil for interim contracts, Smith eventually $5-6 mil… it'll add up fast when we run with the young guns like they did a decade with Jumbo/Patty/Pavs.

  8. I wonder if the league is concerned players will start sending political messages with their tape or writing on skates? Thinking of Russia vs Ukrainian, or Israel vs Palestinian colors etc.

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