@Ducks d'Anaheim

Post de merde.

Les 2 premières photos sont celles où les Ducks IG ont laissé tomber le maillot du 30e anniversaire pour la première fois. Les 2 dernières photos proviennent d’un post d’hier soir. Je pensais juste que c’était drôle, ces maillots étaient géniaux hier soir !!



  1. The-G-89

    No matter how many fans complain, The Samuellis won’t budge on making these permanent unfortunately. Which sucks cause the eggplant will probably be the most sold team jersey if they do decide to bring it back and considered the best jersey in the league.

  2. dracomaster01

    Instagram comments are on a different level of awful

  3. Stryk-Man

    It is kind of confusing how many people want these to be our full time jerseys. The colors are great, but I thought we all wanted the OG logo?

  4. ImWicked39

    Guess I lucked out never having an Instagram account lol. I wanted to see them in action before I decided if I liked them. Absolutely perfect.

  5. Chickenbrik

    My opinion has not changed I think it’s a hideous jersey. That being said I freakin’ miss those colors a lot.

    Throw on the OG logo and the webbed D on the shoulders and I’d be happy as a clam

  6. Ducksfan182

    I will admit the sweaters look much better on the ice with the full gear, but the crest is still absolutely horrendous

  7. duckdaddydrew

    I think everyone just loves those colors and desperately wants to see the OG colors/logo comeback full time. I still don’t like the logo on the 30th anniversary jersey but those colors and full uniform are far superior to our current home and away uniforms.

  8. WubbaLubbaDubDub184

    I need to get one of these at some point

  9. Scroopynoopers9

    Orange green and eggplant would rock tho.

    What colors don’t go with eggplant?

  10. These jerseys definitely looked better on the ice than when they first revealed them.

    I want eggplant and jade with the old logo. BUT if this was our only option, I’d be happy with this

  11. Sufficient-Parsnip33

    Most fans want the original logo AND eggplant and jade back. Ownership knows it and they refused to do it EVEN just for the anniversary jersey. That’s the frustration you saw after the reveal. Seeing the colors on the ice last night, even if the logo isn’t anyone’s first choice, wqs thrilling. That’s the joy you’re seeing now. In 1993, Mickey Mouse created a brand, then the Samuelis replaced it with a “Mickey-mouse” brand.

  12. AHeCalledV

    I was one of the people who complained (not pictured here) originally.

    I was VERY wrong. They look amazing in person and I’m probably going to buy one. ESPECIALLY if this becomes a memorable season out of nowhere.

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