@Canucks de Vancouver

LES CANUCKS avaient l’air horrible // Canucks vs Flyers après-match (17 octobre 2023)

Les Canucks de Vancouver ont perdu contre les Flyers de Philadelphie 2-0, mardi après-midi. ▶ Twitter : https://twitter.com/parkerspucks ▶ Canucks After Dark : https://youtube.com/canucksafterdark Bienvenue chez ParkersPucks ! Je fais des vidéos sur les Canucks de Vancouver – généralement pour donner mon avis sur les dernières nouvelles et mes réactions après chaque match des Canucks. Appuyez sur le bouton d’abonnement et sur la cloche de notification pour suivre !


  1. that game was a prototypical torts win, gotta hand it to the flyers. the canucks were sleepy and skating in quicksand… imo, juulsen is likely going to be healthy scratched next game.. Demmer was all world though, good to see he is on his game early in the season.

  2. Sloppy neutral zone plays to start off, terrible battling against the boards, and so much more. I didn't like anything I saw tonight.

  3. I won't be surprised if our goalies get injured again since they'll be overworking and facing 35+ shots every night. This is the teams fault if our goalies get injured. Team plays too puny. no grit, size, weak hits, always lose board battles or pinned against the wall

  4. Give Philadelphia credit! Their goalie was playing like FIRE 🔥. Vancouver fans need to stop crying about blaming on refs when Philadelphia is simply a better team and has a much brighter future than them. Simple as that

  5. what a PATHETIC EFFORT; and for the love of God please get rid of Myers; how this idiot made it into the NHL is mind boggling.

  6. It's safe to say that Tock-its Severe Bag Skate he forced the team to endure yesterday just before their 6 hour flight, late night, early start and time change wasn't such a brilliant idea after all. And he is hanging it all on the players. His mistake. That isn't good.

  7. Canucks fan in New Jersey. First time viewer. Excellent summary, great energy. I need to watch your channel.

  8. Please stop making excuses "it's the refs', tired from traveling, tired from practice" and etc.. like seriously making excuses is such a weak thing to do.. if they aren't making excuses then why are fans blaming refs and/or making weak excuses for trash performance? The Nux last played Saturday.. 3 days ago.. they should've been ready. Slow/bad starts to games are what nux does since last year.. and it seems they are doing that again. Juulsen bad, Myers atrocious game.. absolutely the worse canuck tonight.

  9. Off game, every team has one, but it better stop here, learn from, get ready for Lightnening, nothing seem to work tonight, passes missed, pinching and giving up 2 on 1's, then when they looked like they might get one, a penalty gets called or goal is called off.

  10. Looks like the Canucks got outplayed by an Eastern team again.. Last year their records against the East 10-20-2.

  11. That's kind of the Canucks MO, they win games you expect them to lose, and lose games you expect them to win.

  12. Best players did not show up today Petey Hughes miller brock where were u guys tonight demko was absolutely Jesus and for nothing

  13. I've hated Myers for years now.

    And this year i decided to give him a chance and be optimistic about his ability to change with a new lineup.

    He sure doesn't make it easy to not hate him.

  14. Meyers should have been stapled to the bench for the second half of the game. He was atrocious last night. Seriously, with him and Juulsen on the D we are lucky the score wasn't 10-0 against. If we had decent depth on the blue line Juulsen would be in Abbottsford and Meyers in the press box. I get it, they are both right handed D men but still.. Hirose over Juulsen every single time. And Meyers? God only knows. One night he's pretty good, then the next he's the worst D man in the league.

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