@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Match 4. Floride 3 Toronto 1

Match 4. Floride 3 Toronto 1



  1. hymensmasher99

    Should just be a picture of Klingberg. He’s been awful. Good illustration here

  2. jizzlypuff6969

    You win, you lose, but it’s really about the memories you make along the way.

  3. Ok-Platform-6933

    Its so funny how literally all of Tre’s signings have been dogshit

  4. Was there last night boys. Bob was solid but we didn’t have enough quality chances. I think bertuzzi is hurt but Domi no excuse – he is playing scared with the puck.

    Early in the season but we need more from the bottom 6. Kampf looked good and same with Gregor. Also knies should stay on top 6 and domi on 3rd for a little while.

  5. nousernamex2

    I’m dumb and don’t get this. Were there actual post-game interview shenanigans?

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