@Oilers d'Edmonton

BRUT | Jay Woodcroft 25.10.23

Jay parle aux médias depuis Rogers Place un jour après la défaite 7-4 des Oilers contre le Wild.


  1. Worst Oilers game in WHAT 5 years? What is going on? Jay's Sarcasm here was inappropriate in this situation, IMO. It looked like a very organized team, cleaned one that looked like they had never been told what to do.

  2. "Individual errors in those types of situations" due to an adjustment period going from one System look to another — so causality of the Player errors is the adjusting of the System. Yes Boston also uses an Adjusted-Hybrid System but its not set up like the Oilers is.@ NHL Speeds instinctive reactions created by familiarity which breeds the mysterious Chemistry(keeping lines together) are critical to executing with excellence. The price of the learning curve as aknowledged and accepted by the Coach is real and was not an unknown quantity Pre-Season but it could derail the Season if it is prolonged. If the Oilers lose 3 more in a row its panic time. So we have a 3 game window here to recover. Consulting help is available all over online if needed….Breakout turnover or Defensive Zone exit forced error? We can be firmer we can be harder we can be a lot more detailed in that area. Everything but saying we CAN HIT GUYS? When clearing the Slot by making it dangerous or uncomfortable to be there is the General Store Idea here? Stick checks and closing Gaps fast does not clear the Slot and body position dominance is gained by engaging and exiting contacts. Hitting does not slow down a System or a Team. P.S…the reason so many goals are happening to the Oilers out of Opponents Rush situations is because the Oilers N-Zone focus has been the MOST impacted by the System changes made this year and the Forwards are by proxy getting caught chasing from behind with inferior stick positions for just a little to long ( normally the Oilers System would have D-men engaging way higher in the Zone or positionally threatening hence slowing down the incoming Rushes allowing the Forwards to catch up at the perfect time to execute a premium return backcheck ). The optics of these recent impacts are that it looks like the Oilers are having troubles getting out of their own zone in organized threatening ways and the Forwards are always 2 steps behind making them look terrible to.

  3. I was watching the feed from Minnesota as I have ESPN+ here in Califonia; the Wild announcers were making fun of the OIlers coaching by the end of the game. It did not feel like fiction or sarcasm, just reality. = pain!

  4. This team is so talented but need a coach that will lit up their ass and motivate them. I like Jay but the man is too soft and lost the room.

  5. Guys aren't checking in the slot. It's NOT because they are lazy. It's NOT because they aren't "hard enough". It's because they don't understand the coverage in those situations. That is precisely what a coach needs to do…help them understand. Unless, maybe, the coach doesn't understand either….

  6. We had a defensive system that was not perfect but it got us into the playoffs and through the first round two years in a row and to the WCF one year so why change something that wasn't broken? Why not tweak it and make improvements instead of a complete overhaul? I have yet to see a single game this season where it doesn't look like a complete dumpster fire in our own end. Occasionally we get lucky and have good goaltending.

  7. He's gone by game 10. He lost the room his changes are garbage. Also the 3 bench minors are on him not the players.

  8. When the oilers decide to blame & fire another coach cause the players don’t care about defending or playing tough, he can intern with the bolts.

  9. Not accusing but being sympathetic. Ryan McLeod appears distracted and looks like a shadow of himself. Micheal McLeod is his brother and is rumored to be one of the eight players in the 2018 Junior National Team scandal with Hockey Canada. Just wondering…

  10. 5 games in and people want a new coach . I'd hate to work for some of you people . Todd has always been thorough in his processes and I'm sure they will turn it around in due time ….

  11. Implementing the zone defensive structure at 5v5 is what has ruined this team. Many of us called it(for several reasons) before preseason games even started. This decision has been an absolute disaster.

  12. Our Goaltending, and D is shaky. I'd like to see our offense each cover a guy in our D zone. No need to "get open" in the D zone when we don't have the puck. Go Oilers Go!!

  13. Jay's smug no answers are getting tired. Enough trying to sugar coat everything or look for a positive. When you screw up or don't do your job, simply call it out and and identify what you need to do to fix it. Take accountability. I am not sure Jay is clear what the system is….Campbell CANNOT be held accountable. He made so many amazing saves when D fell apart. He can only do that so many times. Defense is the problem as a whole. Bad passes, missed passes, wrong position, too many 2 on and 3 on break aways.

  14. keep the lines the same for a few games and let them build some chemistry. Tired of the blender coming out 6 shifts in every night. Players are sick of it!

  15. like woodcroft but he made mistakes, HE MADE THEM. They start with you croftypoo…so maybe avoid this coverage crap, or explain it better….does it even fit in your system…

  16. Foegle is a workhorse! Every shift, every game! If the other players would WORK as a hard as him, we would be winning a lot more than losing!

  17. Janmark, Ryan, Bouchard, Brown, McLeod. Simply are not playing well enough.

    I work so I listen on the radio, and it blows my mind how Evan Bouchard can be so one dimensional.
    He literally hates playing Defensive hockey. 😊

  18. Need aggressive D Zone play instead of passive. Just watch how the players just follow the puck and next thing you know it’s in the net. Out Coached AGAIN!!

  19. I just don’t understand how our defencemen can continue to let people stand around? Forwards also. Vs Winnipeg Leon just let 55 skate away from him 3 on 3! Just watch the replay! Maybe Dave Manson is not coaching hard enough?

  20. I like Jay, he is always positive, sometimes I feel he is a bit soft but I am not in the room…..however things have to change NOW! If the next 5 games are just as brutal its time for a change..the pressure is on.

  21. When Oilers players start saying cup or bust you can bet every other 31 teams will want to beat them. If your going to say something like that then you better win a cup this year or the next. Would have been better to say “We want to play as hard as we can in hopes it gets us the cup this year, because it sucks when your so close the alst 2 years and don’t win”

  22. Send in a psychologist! They clearly can not deal or handle the expectations the media and fans put on them this year. It’s so clear.

  23. Use the thumbs down button if you don’t like what’s going on with the Oilers! 🤦🏼‍♂️

  24. Didn't take an ounce of personal responsibility, and acted smug the entire interview. This team is a disaster right now, and he owns a big share of the blame. I'm not calling for his head, but thats not a good look.

  25. Man…. To have to stand there and deal with the media before and after each game has to wear on you. Put yourself in his shoes for just a moment. Money or not….. sheeeesh

  26. Hes still acting like nothing is wrong with this complete dumpster fire of a so called nhl team.

  27. Why not Make some trades soon get some deals going, something to shake up the team besides “not good enough” “we will clean it up” then play the same exact way again and again. This is starting to be at the point where it’s not just a bump in the road it’s negative patterns that need to be corrected asap

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