@Sénateurs d'Ottawa


Brandon Piller et The Martian réagissent immédiatement après la défaite 6-4 des Sénateurs d’Ottawa contre les Sabres de Buffalo. Le POSTCAST vous est présenté par le Glebe Central Pub : votre pub de quartier au cœur du Glebe. Des gens formidables, de la bonne nourriture et des boissons savoureuses. Venez au 779, rue Bank et découvrez notre navette de match des Sénateurs ! https://www.glebecentralpub.com/online-store Découvrez la boutique de produits dérivés SensCentral : https://senscentralpodcast.secure-decoration.com/ Suivez l’émission… TWITTER : https://twitter.com/SensCentral INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/lockedon.senators TOUS LES LIENS : https://linktr.ee/LockedOnSenators Suivez-nous sur Twitter… Ross Levitan : https://twitter.com/RossLevitan Brandon Piller : https : //twitter.com/brandonpiller1 Le Martien : https://twitter.com/LalimesMartian


  1. F**king frustrating with this team. Fire the coach OR GM but this is ridcilous – back to back losses to divisional rivals

  2. Onto the next game. Fix some things and play better boys, that was a bit hard to watch. So many little mistakes the players know how to clean up, and just need to clean them up.

  3. This team is an absolute joke. Nice try fooling fans with a few wins.. felt the same way LAST YEAR!.. a few wins to start the year and then shit the bed the rest of the way along. So sick of the bs this team deals with. Probably another lottery pick, hopefully Detroit falter because we will be out of the playoffs come returning from Europe.

    I’m done with hoping and wishing things will get better and that this team will turn a corner. Maybe will will play good in the final 10 games of the season giving us all false hopes for next year!

    At the end of the day thank god for the central pub, to drink the pain away of course.

    If I were Pinto I’d be asking for a trade, I’d be done with this shit team.

  4. Do you guys want to remind Mr Ross tomorrow, Mr Debrincat got a goal and Larkin overtook Debrincat's scoring?

  5. you're making excuses. Sens were beat worse then dogs, the very minute Sens allowed 5 goals. There's no comeback. Blah blah blah… Sens came close… Sens fought their way back to losing within a couple … Blah blah blah….. It was over like the dead Turkey that the Sabres stabbed.

  6. Tkachuk had how many points per game going into this game? Tuch had 1 point in 5 or 6 games, taking Tkachuk off the ice. There went Sens top line scoring winger for a 1 point winger, who was essentially no threat. Thats 34 penalty minutes in 6 games on pace over an 82 games for 465 penalty mins, forgetting about all the other 'wrong-doers'. Mr Brady is very lucky he's allowed to sit in the same car, even in the back. lol

  7. It was absolutely electric in the building with about a quarter of the crowd left. Everyone still there was sending the craziest energy. Will say Sandy seemed more hesitant than I’ve ever seen tonight; really exemplified by that last play. We’ll be okay. People in the building still were vibing hard at the end. Kept calling back to the leafs comeback game to my buddies. If any team can pull it off it’s our boys. We’re going to doninate once Jack is off our defensive rotation 😮

  8. Enough fancy passes we are not that team right now. I was there and until the end but wow worst Stutzle game ever and I am his biggest fan

  9. Send kubalik down than you have enough cap space to bring kleven and Egor, Jarventie,Smejkal or whoever. If a team pick him up than you can sign Pinto😂😂😂

  10. Defensive coverage needs to be better in our zone especially Hamonic & as Martian said why are we coming out flat after the Detroit game? Thanks for the show Brandon and guest ha ha. Hang tough. Try Tarasenko with Stuzle and Joseph. Shake up the lines perhaps.

  11. Wings fans tried to tell you Kubby is an invisible floater. He had like 20 of his points in the first 20% of the season

  12. I think there's 2 problems with the team
    1. They play on emotion too much. That can be good when things are going well, but when things start slipping they play bad. They had a ton of possession and chance and just couldn't bury it, then the Sabres finally flip it out and scored on their first shot. That happened twice and that deflated them. Then they start playing run and gun and make a bunch of small mistakes and then:
    2. Team defense is not good enough to play run and gun. They need to watch what Detroit did in that previous game for team defense and replicate it because they played it the way I think we should.

  13. I hate to be one of those "Fire X!" "Trade Y!" people but there needs to be a significant change after the Sens got absolutely butt fucked by division rivals 2 games in a row.

  14. But Pillzy the corsi was good tonight, isn't that all that matters?

  15. I’m not a DJ hater , just a realist and what I’ve observed over the last 3/4 years is the Sens off to a slow start . For me the common denominator is DJ .

  16. From what I've seen, the team just needs to cut down on the offensive zone turnovers. This is leading to odd man rushes and crushing their momentum.

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