@Bruins de Boston

Bruins de Boston contre Rangers de New York – Combat dans les tribunes

Bagarre de chaussures du 23 décembre 1979 entre les Bruins de Boston et les Rangers de New York au Madison Square Gardens.


  1. Apparently, one of the fans would try and grab one of the bruins stick if it was high enough while in that section. The Bruins has enough of it and took action.

  2. Uhhh, why are the Rangers just standing there while the Bruins beat the hell out of Rangers fans in the Garden?

    And another crowd brawl erupted in the Garden after Andrew Golota suddenly forgot that punching Riddick Bowe repeatedly in the nutsack region is not within the rules.

  3. “The fans are standing up against them! The security guards are standing up against them! The peanut vendors are standing up against them!”

  4. 43-year anniversary today.

    MSG security finally broke up the fight, which was blamed on the four fans who had instigated it — Manny Kaptain, his sons James, 26, and John Kaptain, 30, and their friend Jack Guttenplan, 31. All four, New Jersey residents who had attended the game together, were arrested and charged with disorderly conduct for their role in the ugly incident. John Kaptain, who was beaten with his shoe, later claimed that one of the Boston players (not necessarily Jonathan) started the brawl by reaching his stick over the glass to hit his brother James in the face. John said that he only punched Jonathan and grabbed his stick in reaction to that. On Jan. 23, 1980, even before they were due to appear in court, the foursome filed a $7 million lawsuit against multiple parties, including individual Bruins players, the Rangers, Madison Square Garden, Garden owner Gulf & Western, and the New York Police Department.

    Meanwhile, it was left up to the NHL and NHL president John Ziegler to sort out the disciplinary punishment for the Boston players. Everyone was looking for a quick resolution, but Ziegler and the league took their time to conduct what they considered a thorough investigation. On Jan. 25, 1980, nearly five weeks after the ugliness at MSG, the NHL announced the punishment: O'Reilly was suspended for eight games and fined the maximum allowable $500, and McNab and Milbury were both suspended for six games and fined $500. Craig MacTavish, John Wensink, backup goalie Gilles Gilbert, and Secord were each fined $500 for going into the stands and taking part in the violence. All other Boston players who went into the stands but did not engage in the violence were fined $200 each. The fines against the Bruins totaled $31,000. Among Boston players who had dressed for the game, only goaltender Gerry Cheevers, who had immediately left the ice at the final buzzer, was not fined. O'Reilly missed all of Boston's games between Jan. 21 and Feb. 3 — all games leading up to the NHL All-Star break.

    He returned after the break on Feb. 7, 1980, to play in Boston's home game vs. Toronto. James Kaptain, who said he and the other Rangers fans were not contacted during the investigation, complained that Ziegler's punishment was not harsh enough and that only the lawsuit had prompted him to take any disciplinary action at all. The Boston organization spoke out against the suspensions and tried to appeal them on the grounds that the players had every right to stick up for a teammate in potential distress. The NHL didn't budge on the suspensions, but the Kaptains and Guttenplan did budge on their lawsuit, which was eventually dropped, as were all charges against the four men, since no serious injuries resulted from the mayhem.

  5. Miss the games being called by Fred & Derek… Can’t wait for Jack Edwards time to be done😫

  6. I'm shocked at the rangers fans didn't throw anything. If you watch there's not much stuff being thrown

  7. If Joe Buck had been calling this he’d faint from all the disgusting acts.

  8. Love it! No talk of any "Watch out for the lawsuits," from the announcers. Just pure gold and pretty tame announcers. Miss these days of hockey style.

  9. It was incidents like this that proved that there was a place for ESPN, a story that can go for days with an outrageous video that could be played continuously.

  10. Milbury claims that someone in the stands threw a tennis ball at Esposito on his breakaway. I don’t see it. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  11. Legend has it that Mike Milbury still has the fan’s shoe and beats people with it to this day

  12. With his own shoe! I just found my favorite YouTube video ever, I just wish I had done it sooner. I hate the Rangers and their fans, too, Mike.🤣🤣

  13. Ah yes, you can say hockey was a little different back in the day, lol. O'Reilly leaping over the glass and into the stands all in one motion, that was impressive.

  14. esposito was in the locker room durning at least part of this angrily taking his gear off and thats so funny to think about

  15. Before the malice in the palace there was this guy's with sticks and blades on their feet.

  16. Phil…..elevate the damn puck. You shot it right into Cheevers. Should have started the clip earlier so that we could have seen Greschner for once in his miserable career decide to play defense. Normally, I would never condone something like this but, hey, they're Rangers fans.

    The original Malice at the Palace.

  17. "The fans are standing up to them
    The security guards are standing up to them
    The peanut vendors are standing up to them
    And by god if I could get down there I'd
    Be standing up to them!!!

  18. Seen this one before and recently went to a local hockey game that make me think of it again (No, no fight between fans and players, but one of the players managed to get their stick flung high enough to get caught above the glass and in the netting behind the goal, and a fan was boosted high enough to grab it) And rewatching just made me notice McCrimmon (29) at 1:44. At first you can see the glove of one of the rangers at his thigh, probably trying to keep him from going into the stands, but seconds later, that player and one other Rangers player seem to help get his skate up and over the glass. It's just funny to imagine the Rangers in that moment going 'alright, yes we have a Rivalry with the Bruins. and yeah that's probably one of our fans. but you know, if you're climbing up there, they probably deserve it, lemmie help you up.'

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