@Blues de Saint-Louis

Kadri fait une crise sur le banc, cassant son bâton et donnant un coup de pied sur la planche, après que Saad ait terminé son contrôle en fin de match.

Kadri fait une crise sur le banc, cassant son bâton et donnant un coup de pied sur la planche, après que Saad ait terminé son contrôle en fin de match.



  1. STLBooze3

    Fuck Kadri!

    In the bottom 5 of the league for +/- and 1 assist on the season.

  2. SickRainbow

    Fuck em, stand with him, or plow him into the boards!!!!

  3. It looked to me as though was trying to sell the hit as a head shot by whipping his head back and grabbing his face.

  4. jmuddmarquardt

    I didn’t get to watch the game but why is Markstrom the first star of the game when the Blues won 3-0? I know it doesn’t really mean much but cmon Hofer with a huge bounce back game it seems.

  5. Jackson79339

    Kadri is a butthurt, dirty ass piece of shit. Fuck Kadri and anything that looks like Kadri.

  6. Skippymcjump

    Fuck em in the ear. Fuck em in the other ear!!!

  7. noniinsuutujo

    Fuck Kadri. All my homies hate Kadri.

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