@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Andy & Rono] Il y a beaucoup de fans des Flyers qui pensent que Morgan Frost n’est tout simplement pas un bon joueur et qu’il mérite d’être sur le banc. Nous ne sommes pas d’accord. Frost a montré l’an dernier qu’il était un joueur légitime de la LNH. Et en fait, ce n’est pas une situation idéale pour Philadelphie car il n’est qu’un égratignure en bonne santé.

[Andy & Rono] Il y a beaucoup de fans des Flyers qui pensent que Morgan Frost n’est tout simplement pas un bon joueur et qu’il mérite d’être sur le banc. Nous ne sommes pas d’accord. Frost a montré l’an dernier qu’il était un joueur légitime de la LNH. Et en fait, ce n’est pas une situation idéale pour Philadelphie car il n’est qu’un égratignure en bonne santé.



  1. Flyingchairs

    The daily Morgan Frost post from upcan845 haha

  2. Arseling69

    At this point I feel like Danny should just trade him for more help on D. Torts just has a stick up his ass about Frost and we already have to many forwards. Need space for Cutter next year and hopefully Michkov the year after anyway.

  3. GravyBoatWarrior

    It’s laughable that he’s in this situation with this club, while Torts continues to roll the 4th line every single chance he gets, regardless of the fact they are getting absolutely caved in defensively.

    You put Frost in Laughtons place, and roll Laughton as the LW on the PHD line. That gives you the ability to roll all 4 lines without the fear of getting caught on the ice. Then, you can try to at least pump his stats before you trade him.

    But this club dropping a guy that fights is ridiculous talk.

  4. hawks27-2

    I’ve pointed out before on here that Frost leading the team in points in the second half is due in part to Konecny missing a month, or else TK would likely have led the team. Frost’s rise last year coincided with Hayes being moved to wing and quitting. Hayes was ppg then Frost got Hayes’ opportunities and he improved. Frost’s hot second half doesn’t represent who Frost is entirely, any more than his ice cold start to that season represents who he is entirely, any more than Hayes being ppg is who he is entirely.

    This also ignores that there essentially four guys on this year’s team that were not on the team last year, Coots, Atkinson, Brink, and Foerster who are all currently outplaying Frost. Even Foerster who as struggled is currently 4th among Flyers forwards in xGF% and 5th in HDCF%. To put Frost in the line up means taking out somebody who is playing well, somebody Frost’s age or younger, or slotting Frost in on the 4th line.

    I think what Andy & Rono misconstrue is that people on this anti-Frost train think that he is a bad player. I think he not only a legit NHLer, but a fine NHLer, potentially even a guy like Derick Brassard who has played over 1000 games in the NHL. But it’s just not the type of player the Flyers need now or in the future.

    Right now they are trying to change culture, that means rewarding a certain style of play and rewarding wins. Benching Foerster or Atkinson sends the wrong message to the young guys and the team as a whole. Going forward they have 2 of the best defensive centers in the league, even if Coots and Cates aren’t producing a ton when the Michkov era begins they will still be core parts of the team. But if that’s the case, they need a center who is better than Derick Brassard.

  5. flyerasooner

    Using half a season as a legitimate sample size shows how moronic this take is

  6. shinyRedButton

    Once Torts has decided that a player “isn’t his kind of player” they’re fucked. This is just how he coaches. He’d much rather have a 15pt a year player in their mid-30’s skating at max effort all game. They’re winning right now so it’s a lot easier for him to justify it, but holy shit is it short sited to not be playing Frost. Even if it’s just to boost his trade value. It wouldn’t surprise me if Torts asked for Frost to be moved in the off season and Danny said no, so now hes just letting him rot in the press box.

  7. Narrow_Book_42069

    Bruh, at this point I’d wager you’re teetering towards obsession level posting. You should start r/MorganFrost it seems more apt to your interest.

    The solution here is obvious. Fire everyone related to the flyers and allow you to be the genius behind the team.

  8. Whether you like him or not… what we are doing with Frost is bad.

  9. greenghostburner

    Frost is clearly one of the top 12 forwards we have as far as talent. He is not in the top 12 as far as the coach’s system. For a team trying to win games the latter is more important. However, for a team like ours in a rebuild it makes no sense not to play your most talented players and let them develop. I’m fine scratching him to light a fire under him but if Torts plan is not to start him again barring injury then that is asinine.

  10. Business_Region_2762

    Its not a good look having him sitting. But we have to figure cam will be gone at or before the deadline along with potentially stall. That roster spot will open up for frost once we can be 100% that cam is totally healthy.

  11. Steppyjim

    Honestly I’m good if Frost gets traded.

    Not that he sucks. He doesn’t. Clearly. But we are pretty good on young forwards atm. If Danny can move him for a young defender, maybe someone like him who can’t seem to crack a lineup because of a logjam that can help both sides.

    You literally post on your outrage on Morgan frost being scratched daily. I hear you. But sometimes a good player just isn’t a good fit for a team. That fourth line you hate has played very well, and frost cannot play 4th line. Your 4th line even if skilled needs defensive ability which is Frosts weakness. He needs to be a middle six scoring winger. So hey, let’s move him out for a solid prospect on the blue line. We need way more of those. Then everyone wins.

  12. MorgenKaffee0815

    they want him to be the new Giroux but he isnt that good. and its a high ladder for him to climb to be nearly as good as G

  13. Imagine Andy and Rono using real life intuition vs pure stats. It’s also objectively fucking hilarious that they used a 45 game span where the Flyers were probably the most devoid of any type of talent they have ever been in the history of the franchise.

    The guy has shown no consistency at this point. What I saw out of Brink and Foerester was actual progress and hard nosed play. And that’s what you need in a rebuild.

    Torts has no reason to change the lineup. No one expects this team to continue on this trajectory, but as long as these guys are showing progress there’s no reason to put a player who has quite frankly shown nothing special over 4 year time line back into the lineup

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