@Rangers de New York

« Comment les arbitres ont-ils pu rater une pénalité de déclenchement aussi évidente en prolongation ?

Je me serais senti mal pour les Canucks après avoir remporté le match sur un appel manqué. Mot clé « serait »



  1. This one looks far worse that what happened with Kreider.

  2. Im_a_pine_cone

    I’d like another angle to see if this could have been a hip check

  3. warmmilkie

    From another angle you’ll see he checks him with his shoulder first. Sad, but Canucks definitely out classed the Rangers on another level tonight

  4. iamwilliamwit

    But I was told the refs favored the Rangers? And caused the Nucks to go 1/6 on the PP?

    Joking aside, I’m not sure what people expect Kreider to have done there. What’s he supposed to do? Grab the puck, stop, apologize for the refs missing the call, and hand the puck over? Players don’t make the calls, they play. The Nucks going 1/6 on the PP cost them this game, not the refs. If they scored even one more PP of the FIVE they failed to, they’d have won.

  5. Shit I actually thought this was a trip until just now. Going frame by frame it looks like this wasn’t a trip after all. His stick is in front of Trocheck foot and seems like it doesn’t make contact at all. It’s actually just a clean hip check that lifts Trocheck off the ice.

  6. Herplederple1

    Wake me up when the canucks have had 38/42 kicked goal reviews go against them since 2007,

    we didn’t get a break in the missed trip call at the end we just got a small fraction of what we are owed returned to us

  7. TheIncredibleHork

    This was clean. Trocheck more or less got himself hip checked.

    So it’s just as clean as the Kreider non-call.

  8. MildGooses

    Was at the bar for the entirety of the game so didn’t get to hear any commentary. Was there some controversy about how we won in OT or something?

    I’m general, what was the vibe of the game froze Sam and Joe? From what I saw, it seemed like a pretty great game, 1st started out pretty even, both teams were s acting pretty head, but still felt like the Canucks had a slight edge. They seemed like a really fast team and we showed up with our legs at the start.

    2nd seemed mostly dominated by the Canucks, but again, we seemed to be skating well, just got a bit out worked.

    3rd seemed pretty closely contested but once we went down, we seemed to be buzzing pretty much all the time, leading to the game tying goal.

    That leads us to OT and this video. What did I miss?

    I’m pretty drunk and stoned so I might have missed the mark completely 🤣

  9. PB109612

    That’s a text book Hip check. Far different from the trip Krieder did on Pettersson that should of been 100% be called. Rangers also got away with too many men on the ice with control with the puck 7 guys on the ice no call.

  10. PB109612

    Canucks outplayed the Rangers this game. Rangers did nothing 5 on 5 vs the Canucks & scored two 5 on 3 goals, one which was off a too many men on the ice penalty which is laughable considering the Rangers earlier had the puck in control and had 7 guys on the ice. The Krieder penalty should of been called 100% on Petey. Shesterkin played great. Other than that Rangers did nothing 5 on 5. Needed 5 on 3 power plays and a missed call in OT to steal two points when they deserved no points.

  11. zucarigan

    Classic r/hockey going in full meltdown jerking each other off complaining about a call that benefits the Rangers lmao

    I’ve watched the replay on Kreider’s « trip » several times and here’s what I saw: Pettersson tried to make a move around Kreider, but he spread his legs super far apart to try and pull it off. In doing so, he skated straight into Kreider and they clipped skates while Kreider’s back was turned. Petey’s skate was outside of his « space » and Kreider’s skate wasn’t. I can’t just skate into someone’s back, fall over, and expect an interference call. If you skate into someone and trip yourself, that’s your fault.

    Pettersson tripped himself because he was trying to get fancy. The move he tried was stupid, and he executed it poorly. Going down on first contact isn’t a good look either. Not to mention how many other calls were blown in this game, namely the roughing call on Trouba (softest babyshit call I’ve seen in a while) and Pettersson himself tripped Tro like 3 minutes prior.

  12. WillNotBeSilenxed

    That’s called a hip check, noob.

  13. JPmoneyman

    Tonight confirmed that Canucks fans are the biggest group of whiny babies on this website. Have the refs never made a bad call against them before? It’s like they’re realizing that can happen for the first time tonight.

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