@Sabres de Buffalo

Ils ont Cooley ici avec des pads dépareillés.

Ils ont Cooley ici avec des pads dépareillés.



  1. xBialyOrzel

    I mean, if he had to go in I’m sure he’d prefer pads he’s worn in even if they’re miscolored vs stock black and reds that he’s not played in before.

  2. Oshowcinco

    Forget the pads, they didn’t even have black pants for the guy

  3. Son_Of_The_Empire

    Cooley was killing it in the Vibes/60 department. Blue and gold pants and pads, buffaslug helm, and wearing a #62 goathead? Oh yeah, he’s the mayor of Coolsville for sure.

  4. GoalGuard

    There have been a few Amerks helmets in the Sabres net recently.

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