@Rangers de New York

Complications de la blessure de Backstrom – et ce que cela signifie pour Kane

Au cas où vous ne l’auriez pas vu, [Niklas Backstrom and the Washington Capitals announced that due to ongoing issues with recovery from his hip injury, he will be stepping away from hockey to re-evaluate his options.](https://twitter.com/Capitals/status/1719723592366088699?s=20) Il n’est pas nécessaire d’être devin pour voir que cela signifie probablement que la carrière de Backstrom est presque terminée. Au minimum, son temps en tant que joueur régulier et d’impact dans la LNH est terminé, et c’est effectivement le cas depuis quelques saisons maintenant. Je dis cela parce que la blessure à la hanche de Backstrom et la procédure de resurfaçage de la hanche qu’il a subie pour tenter de la réparer sont la même chose à laquelle Patrick Kane est actuellement confronté. Je pense qu’il y a encore beaucoup de récalcitrants ici qui pensent qu’un Kane « en bonne santé » est une pièce manquante pour les Rangers à RW, mais la réalité est que Kane « en bonne santé » est parti et ne reviendra probablement jamais. Les joueurs de la LNH ne s’en remettent tout simplement pas. Ed Jovanovski a subi la procédure et a joué 37 autres matchs inefficaces avant de prendre sa retraite. Ryan Kesler n’a plus jamais joué après avoir subi une opération de resurfaçage de la hanche. Backstrom est encore plus une coquille de lui-même depuis qu’il a subi la procédure qu’avant et sera désormais essentiellement à la retraite du LTIR. Il est temps d’accepter que Kane ne deviendra jamais un élément clé des Rangers. C’est dommage qu’il n’ait pas été le même joueur pendant la brève période où il a été ici – mais il ne sera probablement plus jamais ce type et il est temps que nous oubliions de discuter de lui comme une option d’impact à RW.



  1. BUT BUT BUT HES THE ONLY PERSON WHO CAN WIN A CUP /s finally someone says it. We don’t need him and there’s no point in signing him even on a vet minimum. Chances are he doesn’t have much to add

  2. Dizzle71

    At this point, if Kane is healthy and will take a vet minimum deal to play on our 3rd line I’m cool with it. If not sorry bro

  3. Krispyford

    I would honestly rather them wait out Wheeler to see if he can produce offensively. If he can score 40ish points on the 3rd line, I’d be thrilled. If not, they can upgrade him at the deadline and keep him around as spare parts for a playoff run when the cap doesn’t matter.

    I really don’t think this team needs Kane to win a cup.

  4. billyratz

    i cannot believe we are still talking about this guy

  5. AwesomeExo

    We don’t know when he will be ready, nor what the situation will be like. I mean, if Wheelers offensive production is nonexistant and a top 9 winger gets hurt, would people rather play Brodzinzki or some career AHLer over signing Kane for a reasonable deal for the rest of the season?

    Also, I haven’t seen anyone claim he’s the missing piece or he will be peak Kane. I’m sure there are some people out there who think that, and maybe this post is for them, but I believe the Kane as Savior opinion is a very small fraction of people.

  6. blueline7677

    I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again. You aren’t signing Kane the Kane of old. You are signing him because he is a free asset that can be a difference maker. If he isn’t that it’s no big deal. If he is that it could mean a cup. It’s not like he’s getting a multi year multi million dollar contract

  7. hartywhalers

    I just can’t believe some sections of this fanbase saw his performance last year for the Rangers and can seriously say, “I’d love to have him back”

  8. paulsoleo

    I haven’t even thought about Patrick Kane for a minute since his ineffective, injured stint here last season. I’m not interested in the slightest.

  9. leewardtide

    How can anyone say Wheeler is even remotely close to better than Kane? Kane at least put up numbers and was a + player in the regular season and post-season. Smaller sample size, but so far Wheeler has put up ZEROs and is a minus 4.

    That said, I’d say bring up Othmann at the deadline if things don’t get better with Wheels. Give him a shot to take that 3rd line spot.

  10. KingJames_684

    For a one year league minimum it’s worth the risk, and the comparison to backstrom is unfair as he’s been struggling with injuries for the past 5 years, Kanes been relatively healthy. People are forgetting this guy was by far the best forward we had in the playoffs last year.

  11. BuffStudman

    It means he’s most likely washed and we shouldn’t bring him back

  12. I cant believe ppl still want him to break the dynamic the team has right now. Let us cook.

    Dont bring in a guy who will end up taking a spot from laf or kakko

  13. Independent-Switch43

    Bro I just had my hip replaced in June and am huckin weight every day. Clearly these guys are bitch made and half the athlete I am.

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